
Are veg*ns to critical of one another?

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Do you think the veg*n community is too critical of each other? We're always worrying what other veg*ns will think of our actions. Do you believe that at some point we need to stop criticising and simply support one another?




  1. I think so.

    Everyone has their own personal reasons why they live the lifestyle they've chosen and we need to realize that.

    Truly, the world would be boring if we all had the same thought and opinions!!

  2. I think it happens sometimes, but it's not too often. I think there might be a bit of competitiveness or maybe insecurity behind the more critical ones though. I think I've always been pretty laid back and "it's cool" about others, but I can't say others have been the same way to me.

    I think OCCASIONALLY in the veg*n community people try to "trump" each other - like, "Oh, you wear second hand leather? I'd NEVER do that," or disagreements about eggs, dairy, honey, wool, activism, etc. Obviously everyone likes to believe that they're doing the right thing, otherwise they wouldn't be doing it, is my look at it. We are all biased.

    A good example is a vegetarian I met through a friend. She mentioned she was vegetarian during the conversation and I said I was too, and that actually I was vegan. She immediately asked, " Are you sure? Your purse isn't leather?" (I have a plastic pleather-like thing over part of my purse, but it's 100% man made material). I told her yes, that I don't have any leather on me. We talked about other things but she seemed to keep going back to me being vegan (which I tried repeatedly to drop from the conversation), and eventually she just flat out said in a very defensive way, " I don't think it hurts cows to get milked. And eggs just fall out of the chicken, I don't get you. That stuff is all propaganda, the videos and pics." She came off as genuinely offended or insecure. I kind of let it drop again and said something really platonic like " Yeah well, it's what I want to do, nothing wrong with that," and ducked out of the conversation...

  3. I know what you mean. I think we should spread peace, not hate. Anyone want to share some vegan chocolate?

    There's certainly room for more positivity on this forum.

    We should live through example and be role models for happiness!

    Here's a star heading your way! :)

  4. Veg'ans can disagree and still be supportive of one another.


    1. For Love of Truth and I disagree about abortion

    2. Jen D. and I disagree about honey.

    I still adore those  two people though and I am not perfect.  Surely they can find flaws in my political, religious, or philosophical reasoning.  It's not being critical of one another. It's just having a different point of view.

  5. I don't think we are that critical of each other- especially around here.  Most seem to be informed and eager to help.  The critical aspect of the veg*n community usually arises on those days when the place is invaded by trolls!

  6. I don't think so unless I'm missing something. All I ever see is you all supporting each other.

  7. Well,until i came into this site,i never actually came across any criticism,and i must say,i think the ridiculous answers many of those critics to genuine questions is pathetic.

    Seems many have nothing better to do than criticize what they cant understand.

    Why would we worry about what others think of the actions we take?.

    We have all made decision to not add to the torture and torment of those poor animals,by not eating the product of torture.

    I believe if you spend time worrying bout what others think in the veg community or out of it,we would never get anything

    Supporting each other is always good,especially in here with so many idiots asking why veggies do this or that.

    Just makes me giggle that they really need to get a life.lololol.

  8. I think on the whole the veg*ns in YA are very supportive of one another, but i think with some they strive too hard to be perfect, and can occasionally be critical of others that maybe just do their best without being perfect.

    I agree that we shouldn't criticise other veg*ns in here(we can leave that to the trolls) or in life outside of YA.

    I will add that I have had some wonderful support from lovely veg*ns in YA!

  9. I can't really say because I don't have any friends who are veg.  But I do worry sometimes that I will be a little critical of another veg*n.  For instance,  if I meet someone vegan and I go to eat with them, will they know the ingredients and how to read labels like I do? Should I trust the food they give to me just because they claim they are vegan?

    It's really strange but I put a lot of research, time, and effort into getting to know ingredients.  I'm not sure if others worked as hard as I.  I wouldn't want them to pass me something with lecithin or disodium inosinate (if you know my meaning).

    Can't wait to meet some in the future though.  I'm hoping I won't be too critical if they eat soy cheese that contains casein or the like.  That'll give me the opportunity to educate them at least.

    I'd agree that I haven't seen anything but support from most of the regulars here, but who knows... some could be holding back.

  10. You have a good observant eye, and your insights can lead the way to a better way of interacting. Be the change

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