
Are virgins more of a turn on?

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I’ve heard some guys say that to be with a girl who was a virgin would be a total turn on because they would know that she hadn’t been “touched” by other guys and that it would make having s*x with her better. But at the same time, a virgin wouldn’t really have hands on experience. Which could make the s*x bad. So what do guys prefer? Virgin with no real experience, or girl with hands on experience?




  1. Yes definitely. There's nothing more s**y and romantic than knowing that you only you have been intimate with a person. It's a very special experience.

  2. I'd rather be with a man with experience and the men I know say they feel the same way. ;)

    Please check out my question:

  3. no, virgins are not a turn on. they are very boring in bed.  

  4. the answers here are very insightful. i really feel for you poor little things who probably lay there like a piece of meat, don't say a word and then walk away and complain about not getting satisfied. it's not entirely the mans responsibility.

    in answere, both the used and the new have their advantages, one has the experience and the other you can teach.

  5. It has always been a turn off for me. In the past I would prefer a woman to have already "gone there". In some perverse sense, I respect a woman's virginity and think that ending it should be something shared with her husband, not just any old guy. Yes, I said it was twisted, but there you have it. After it has been's ON!!*

    *This was my attitude before I married and became the father of a beautiful, little girl.  

  6. why would such a thing matter in the least, we should just have respect for each other!

  7. It's really an individual choice, but to put it in perspective a guy would rather have s*x with the experienced one and marry a virgin. Some men hold onto the stereotype that a virgin female is good and pure while the experienced female is whorish. This could be the case in many instances, but not true.  

  8. very interesting points raised....I'm not a man so I can't answer the question truthfully. I was secretly hoping for virgins being a turn on....oh well, I think the best turn on is love and some lust.

  9. I see alot of these women testifying that we actually do enjoy virgins, i personally find virgins mildly repellent.

    Reminds me a bit of having s*x with a little girl, which makes me sick to my stomach.

    Also, zero experience = poor session...

    Emily needs to get a life, sorry sweetie.

    "men take pleasure from our pain", hahahaahaahahhahahahaah.

    Thats why all through humanity's history men protected women.

  10. It makes some guys feel less insecure about not being able to satisfy a woman. They can just say "Oh, that's how it always is" since virgins are less likely to know what should really happen in bed and don't really have a reference point. That whole untouched purity thing is just BS that some men (not all) say in order to hide their own insecurity and ignorance about s*x. Like you said, a woman with experience might know somethings that a virgin woman doesn't.

  11. Teenage girl yes 30 year old women no

    I prefer a women who isnt a virgin cos she is more likely to know what she wants in the bedroom

  12. Men virgins are treasure ... 4 sure.

  13. What a stupid concept. Virgin or not...the pleasure from the lock & key affect....

  14. Men who have a virgin fetish are insecure.  

  15. Men like virgins because they take pleasure from our pain.

  16. dont you figure its different for everyone

  17. a lady with hand on experience

  18. If they do prefer virgins then ask them how they feel about menstruation because when a female virgin looses her virginity she also bleeds blood.

  19. Being with every girl is a turn on once.  

  20. My view is

    1-The virgin and reality ......

    (a)Most of the Virgin ..

         Does't have any emotional attachment.

          "I found it a little unpleasant".

    With her " painful " or a little painful for her.

    Even if he is very gentle.

    Even if it was something she wanted.

    Some of both ..

    Found it very hard to be doing something that was causing her pain.

    I think the main point is that

    Men .would be more turned on by a girl who has had some experience.

    and do"t forget that Woman or girl same , same

    Virgin DURING CARESSING be bussy about ...! because nobody had taken that away from her..!



    A lot of virgins become clingy with the man they have s*x with for the first time,

    because it was the first person "shared" such a precious gift with, and not many guys like that.

    Do you think "virgin" can shar wine , or ..?


  21. It's all about men tapping into unchartered territory.

    Plus it's about dominance, power, and control.

    Now turn the tables--- do WOMEN prefer virginal men or experienced dudes?

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