
Are virgo men attracted to intelliegent (capricorn) women?

by  |  earlier

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or are they initimidated by them, in a bad way?




  1. doesnt matter bout there sign as long as theres some sort of an attraction. my mans a virgo and so am i :)

  2. I believe they are attracted to intelligent women of Capricorn i am virgo and my girl friend is Capricorn and just to say how much i love her with her words and her being more smarter then me.

    But some men are intimidated or jealous of them but some men  virgo men love smart women but sometimes its the opposite if that men get so intimidated that he or she might not like each other.

  3. well i,m libra with cap moon and this is probably not related but my virgo partner loves it that i can be strong, that i can help him out as much as he looks out for me! he gets annoyed by women who can,t hold their own.

  4. Yes they are !!!!!!!!! if they are good looking ;-)

  5. we are attracted to all women

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