
Are virus' designed for and by idiotic people?

by  |  earlier

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K so i had this "virus" last night which i didnt even realise until i saw my desktop. My wallpaper had changed to blue with a box in the middle saying "Spyware detected, install anti virus software on desktop" and then i had a new Icon which was just a .exe file named AntiVirus XP.

Like come on, seriously. It doesnt take much to realise that it wasn't real, so whats the point? It was also very easy to get rid of, i didnt even need my anti virus program. The only problem now is the wallpaper comes back every time i restart but thats not a problem since thats the only thing it affects.

So anyways, i guess what im asking is are all virus' this stupid or did I just get a really pointless one.




  1. You were lucky I see, because the same stupid virus was last night on my pc. It was my own mistake, I answer questions here at Yahoo Answers and when askers have problems with this virus I even give them instructions how to get rid of it.

    Also I always tell askers never to go to crack sites any more, because it has become too dangerous.

    Guess what I did last night. Yes , you guessed right. I went to a crack site. To be able to go there, I had to switch off my Zone Alarm Security Suite.  What normal person would do something like that.

    I did and I got infected by AntiVirus XP. I thought no prolbem, I have the site and program to get rid of it.

    I tried for an hour, but I could not get to any site. D drive was gone.

    All Programs under start were gone, ete etc.

    I had to format my computer and reinstall windows xp home again.

    Am I stupid or am I stupid.

    He, do not dare to answer that ok. Only I and my ex wife can call me stupid. You lot can only think it.

  2. Viruses are not made by stupid people; however, they are often targeted towards the computer illiterate. It takes some work just to get the virus to install and copy itself, and remain hidden until it is activated.

    A computer-illiterate person would instantly panic and run the "Antivirus XP" program, not knowing what it is (an even worse virus). Amazing how many people actually would.

  3. This type of virus usually comes in a .exe . Maybe you downloaded some song/file/doc etc. & it was fake. In another words it was a virus.

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