
Are vitamins medicine...or are they just vitamins?

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haha this is courntly my boyfriend and i's debating topic.

he says that vitamins are medicine

and i say that vitamins are just vitamins in pill forum

who is right!?

please answer with the correct answer =]




  1. Aside from treating vitamin deficiency states, there are a few, though very few, situations in which vitamin therapy is useful, and in those cases, they can be considered medicines. Since they're dietary supplements, they don't fall under the FDA rules for advertising that drugs do, so there are tons of therapeutic claims for vitamins that are BS, which is probably where your boyfriend got the idea. They are distinctly NOT in the same category as OTC medications. I'm siding with you, though with exceptions, but in any case, it's making a mountain out of a molehill. Surely you could find something better to argue about.

  2. Vitamins are not medicine however if you are sick they help your immune system to fight the illness but they don't cure things. If you take a good vitamin every day you reduce the chance of contracting illnesses.  

  3. Generally, vitamins are suppliminent. However, vitamins can be medication.

    Vitamin A is a pre-cursor for some sort of enzyme. When you are deficiant of thesome  particular enzyme, you will need to increase the concentration of vitamin A in your body in order to transcript (make) more protein (enzyme).

    Vitamin A can be medication. Look up "tree man dede" on yahoo. I just saw it on "yahoo today" yesterday. The doctor gives him vitamin A to remove wart on his body.

  4. Vitamins can be what ever you want them to be, milk is my medicine, something that is good for you, and I dont need to go to the doctor for him or she to write scipt for it..

  5. ohh of course you're right! :D

    but personally, i think anything that you put in your body in order to restore, improve, or strengthen your health is a medicine.

  6. Vitamins are definitely medicine.  

    They are OTC just like aspirin , Tylenol, etc.

    There is a wide range of items that are used for medicine:  cinnamon, roots, mike, cheese, oils, etc.


    Vitamins are micronutrients that are essential to life and healthy living. And, as everyone is aware, failing to get the necessary amounts of specific vitamins can cause deficiency states that are unhealthy and even dangerous.

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