First off I'm a 19 year old college student of average intelligence. I don't keep up with political issues using valid sources of information. So I consider myself politically ignorant along with many other U.S. citizens. I'm sort of frightened that a female with such popularity is running for president. Not because she is female, but because ignorant voters might "want" a female president. I'm trying to learn more about the 2008 campaign by watching the news, reading blogs, and so on. The candidate I hear mentioned the most, whether good or bad, is Hillary Clinton. It seems to me like she wants the attention, good or bad, to spread her name. To make it known that a female is running for president. Her name is everywhere, and it's scaring me that she might be elected due to her gender. While I refuse to blindly vote for our U.S. president as other Americans should. I just want to know what might be the probability of Hillary being elected under those conditions.