
Are wales the new england?

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i'm irish... and no england fan

but the comments made by welsh fans about other nations especially england and its fans is exactly what england was doing 10 years ago

the only arrogant fans i can see at the moment are the welsh

so are wales the new england?




  1. No, the Welsh have their own brand of arrogance. I remember the Welsh in the late 60's and 70's, totally unbearable boyo.

  2. Alan A ... that is so true!!!  My Mum says that all the time!!

    As for Wales being the new I agree that they are being a bit arrogant at the moment, with fair reason I suppose, but having read comments from other English fans on here they are being just as bad and we're losing!!!

    I am English, but sometimes I hate how cocky the English fans are when we are playing as c**p as we are at the moment!

  3. No, we are now the old Wales. Proud and enthusiastic,

  4. I think in a way, yes. Every team has good times and not so good times. Wales is doing really well, and England is struggling.

    Of course it is easy for fans to be supportive, especially vocally when their team is doing good.

    It is much more difficult when your team is struggling and you stand by them any ways.

    I am an England fand and not afraid to say it.

    Go England!!

  5. Na dim o gwbwl

    No not at all.

    The irish are more like the English than the Welsh . Th welsh are least like them. To start alot of us still speak our own language indefiance of all that has happend.

    I love irish people, Scottish people and celtic people in general also anyone who is not English:P How does that make us like the English. Have you ever been to Wales.

    We are friendly and very welcoming unlike those on the otherside of the boder. We want Independence you have it. We are nothing like England

    Saeson annifyr afiach

  6. So the whole of wales are being arrogant and slagging off England? Come off it!

    Is it so bad that Welsh fans are celebrating the current success of their national team? What an offence!

    So have you sat and quietly acknowledged the fact that your team has won in the past, muttered something self deprecating and kept your mouth shut about it just in case someone else might be upset that you are so happy? I doubt it!

  7. I don't know what these comments were that were made by some Welsh fans about other nations but I would like to stress one thing - you get idiot fans supporting all the nations, not just Wales. These idiots do not represent Welsh fans as a whole - they are, in fact, the minority, but it's always the minority voice that gets heard on thses occasions.

    Although born in England, I grew up in Wales and am proud to consider myself Welsh. I am not short sighted enough to think the Welsh are perfect - far from it. But when Wales start to play our national sport with the same pride and skill that made Wales the world's greatest rugby playing nation back in the 70's, then undoubtedly some fans will get carried away. It's been a long time coming and I thing we've earned the right to enjoy it.

    So, are Wales the new England? The answer is no! But that's only my (biased?!) opinion. Just remember - it never really was the English rugby team themselves who were arrogant - confident in their abilities perhaps, but not arrogant. It's the national media who are responsible for cultivating an air of arrogance when it comes to England - and that goes for any sport, not just rugby. Biased National reporting has alienated many of us from English sporting teams irrespective of the level of talent they may possess, and it is the biased reporting which is latched on to by the fans.

    Wales for the Grand Slam - but we have to beat the French first and that's gonna be no picnic!!

  8. Well said, nice to hear some support instead of the usual c**p that we have had to listen to.

    Some ppl on here should realise its only a game.I have not seen many posts from england gloating about beating france but if we had of lost you could bank on the usual susspects slagging off england.

  9. Irish supporters were the new actually we are the new Irish.

    This is ridiculous btw...most welsh supporters are not arrogant at all, are just happy and are fun to be around. I talked to many Irish supporters who all had a great weekend with the welsh.

    Why are you focusing on the negative c**p?

    There has always been an intense sporting rivalry between our nations..but we never really make it personnal. Well done you for doing so. Hope you are proud of your trail blazing exploits.

    (ps Are you really english and doing a divide and conquer bit....go on admit it).

  10. I do not see any arrogance, we are just celebrating a winning team!

    The same as the England fans did during the RWC.....where the h**l is the harm in that?

    As for Wales being the new England..........WTF?

    Us Welsh cannot help it if we are winning!

  11. Wales are not the new England as they are better than England was!

  12. We welsh cant help being proud!  And after last years very poor effort i think we should be allowed to be a bit over excited this year!!  C'mon Wales!

  13. Nah man

    The Welsh will allways be the Welsh ...every dog has its day ...enjoy it when it comes your way.

    Down here (NZ) we have a saying ; " you never beat the Welsh , you just score more points than they do" So when they are actually winning games I would imagine some would go right over the top.

    Good on them , hope they beat France .... well ... may the best team win.

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