
Are wasp beneficial?

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Are wasp beneficial?




  1. Yes, most species are generally considered beneficial.

    They are predators and kill pests, as well as serving as pollinators.

  2. wasps? In what way would they be beneficial? By stinging you?? I don't think so. Maybe if you opened up a research facility for the studies of wasps and the benefits they can offer, maybe then you can discover for your self secrets that wasps have to offer

  3. Yes, they are predators that help keep pest populations down.  They also polinate flowers.  Some plants, such as a fig tree, depend entirely on certain types of wasps to pollicate them.

    Their liabilities are that they can hurt people.  Some people are very allergic to their sting.  A group of wasps can seriously hurt you even if you are not allergic.  You have to strike a balance.  Don't allow wasp nests to be near places where people are going to be, however, don't try to blanket the area with pesticides to kill them off.

    They are beneficial in another way too.  Wasps are used in medical research.  Their venom can be used to make various drugs.

  4. Yes, wasps should be thought of as beneficial insects. They prey mainly on other insects, many of which are pests. In general, they avoid human activity and should only be considered a nuisance when nesting near homes or high traffic areas. The best way to prevent unpleasant encounters with social wasps is to avoid them. If you know where they are, try not to go near their nesting places. Wasps can become very defensive when their nest is disturbed.  Using pesticides to control wasps (yellow jackets) can be effective, but these chemicals are harmful to the environment. Careless use of pesticides can also pose risks to the person applying the chemicals.

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