
Are water shortages going to get worse?

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What actions are countries taking to make up the shortfall? China is drinking adulterated mud and the western United States is going dry. The Southeastern US is suffering water shortages. The aquifers in the US are down to dangerous levels. The rest of the world is not doing much better. What are the solutions?




  1. That question needs a very complex answer.  People in the climate and hydrology fields predict that there could be wars to secure adequate water supplies in the future.  However with emerging technology that scenario will be played out in the distant future.  As water supplies become more scarce we tend to use it more efficiently.  One example is the use of drip irrigation, not just for agriculture but even at home.  Low flow water fixtures are another example as well as reclaimed/recycled water.  


    look in the documentaries section, search "world without water" or something like that.

    it is informative

    basically global warming equals: great flooding in parts of the world while other parts have even greater drouts  

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