
Are we, as Americans, allowed to correspond with people from countries that are perceived as a "threat" to us?

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I believe that we have the opportunity here to communicate with and, ultimately, understand the different cultures and societies that make up this world. I love people. I love getting to know people. I believe that we, as people, cannot love that which we do not understand. I want to know about the people in those countries that are torn apart with conflict and oppression. I want these people to know that they are loved and that there are many who are praying for them in their time of such chaos. My question arises from being concerned that my interest in wanting to know/understand/love what-some-might-call our "enemies" might be construed as my not being faithful to my country. We are living in a land of fear right now and I do not want to contribute to this thought. I want to support peace and harmony but I must live within the laws of my country, must always be a patriot of the USA. Are there boundaries here that I should know? Can I reach out in peace to war-torn souls?




  1. Which implies Americans cannot correspond or communicate with anyone outside America!

  2. Nancy Polise talked. what did that get us beside laughed at if your taking out side this country. Talking with a sword wheeling fanatic will get your head whoop off. An here in the USA talk away the illegals they won't hear you or listen.As they only want whats not there's. Good luck talking. We the people have talked amnesty bill defeated. The states are enforcing our laws.soon the illegals will be leaving.

  3. Of course you can correspond. You'd be surprised how many from those countries you encounter on Answers every day.

  4. Don't think it's a threat.

    When they were living in misery with communication problems.

    At loss and blurr with their own mess created in their own backyards and could not even solve it themselves.

    With total loss of our creator's universal gifts of life.

    Until they even pull out the plugs out of thier own children, own generation and living human kind in own backyards without being aware.

    How they were all living in misery surviving and running on non-rechargeable batteries with shorten life cycles.

    The blunders and slip-ups with human errors created in their own backyards in idol worshiping the glory of the dead Mummy of failures and horrors of the past from the graveyards of different ancestor's custom in not worshiping God without being aware of it.

    Luke 6.39-40,41-45,46-49

    Ever wonder how the loss of peace on earth goodwill to men was created with them getting kick on the butts by the dead Mummy with ghostly stories in making a mess out there?

    Luke 9.25

    Thought all those glory of ghostly stories was success of past civilization of human intelligent.

    That turned out to be primitive cave-men making a mess out there.

    The blunders and slip-ups with human errors blindly following the Piped Piper's tune of "My way" with the betrayal of Judas.

    Luke 22. 3-4

  5. IS it  AMAZING that we are two wars and we have yet tried to set up peace talks with our enemies.

  6. Yes, you can correspond.  Given the details you've provided, I would think your church could set you up with people to reach out to.

  7. I'd be impressed if you could get a hold of Mr. Big and talk peace with him.

    There is nothing wrong with communicating with people inside countries we deemed threatening:  Terrorism in the Middle East; communism in China, etc.  As long as they have access to the internet, there's no stopping.

    It is wrong, however, to plot an illegal plot:  terrorism, i.e.  Causing terror on people and cahooting with people lacking moral discipline, be they here or in another country is SO WRONG!!!

  8. In a perfect world you could do all those things. Guess what, the world isn't perfect.

    Your love and understanding will get you killed.

  9. Unless you fall into a few special categories (such as having a security clearance) you correspond with anybody you want.

    However, you should remember that those people you correspond with are under no obligation to tell you the truth.

  10. I think this will be a big problem in this country for a few more years, if not more. It's more a part of everyones' ignorance, than just our own. I spent some time in Canada recently (technically still here for a few more days) with my fianceé's family, and the whole time, everything the president does or says is viewed as the general logic of the entire country, and its citizens. Now, I disagree with a majority of what the presidents' views are, and by now, the people up here that I know realize that, but for the first while, they didn't. I view it as ignorance of another person's culture based upon lack of information, and belief that humans have a hive mentality. Trust me, go into a chat room for another country, and say you're American. chances are, at least half of the people will say, or think the words "Bush supporter" without you needing to say another word. Yes, I'm all for supporting people in war-torn countries, but I think what the world really needs is an end to ignorance, before we can really all be understood.

    (EDIT) Oops, sorry, In typing that, I forgot to accurately answer your question. Yes, I think that we are allowed to correspond with other people crom "threat" countries, but that upon doing so, we could get ourselves viewed by the government as potential disloyal citizens.

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