
Are we actually going to get a summer this year..?

by Guest61385  |  earlier

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Are we actually going to get a summer this year..?




  1. Apparently not.

    the only sunny days i've had are those spent abroad

  2. That's funny....we FINALLY got summer here. It snowed from Sept last year all the way through mid-June.  (I'm in Breckenridge, CO, we are used to snow.) I hope you get summer soon too because it's beautiful here now!

  3. It doesn't look promising. Even within the space of a day the weather changes so quickly. I had to put my central heating on the other evening and wear a jumper!!! I've never known it to be so cold at this time of the year. It's depressing :-(

  4. Obviously, you don't live in San Antonio~

  5. I don't think we are-- boo hoo!

  6. depends where you are, you should get a summer, its warm the world around...wait it out.

  7. it doesnt look like it britain is the worst country ever

  8. depend on where u from

  9. we have had it, it was the 3rd week in may

  10. Depends on where you live?  If southern hemisphere then no,not for another 6 months, if not, then.......where are you?  Maybe we need to redefine summer, LOL

  11. Not at all, this is England!!

  12. If you really want a hot summer this year come here to blazing hot California, USA.  First of all we have 80 to100 degree temperatures everyday for days, and if that's hot enough for you we also have over 1,700 fires in the hills and forests throughout the state. Our governor Arnold Schwarzenegger is speechless.

  13. We had it in may already. Don't think anymore will be  coming.

  14. Depends where we live, Charlie.  Here in the central part of Texas, we've had temps in the 100's for over 2 months.  The sun provides a good burn or tan, but the air is sometimes difficult to breathe and forces us indoors to cool in our air conditionins which is more costly this year.

  15. No - It has been procured by the Chinese Government for the Olympics for an undisclosed fee

  16. no

  17. There has been summer every year since the beginning of time.  Nothing has changed this year; the temperature where I live will be around 91 degrees F. today.  At my vacation home, it will be around 101 degrees F.  

    At what temperature do we call it Summer?

  18. Yes - I'll bet you anything that the last 2 weeks in August through  September will be smokin' .

  19. only if we go abroad.

  20. umm, it was over 100 for 3 days running.

    and 70 at midnight.

    sure feels like summer -- and then some -- to me.

    (finally broke last night, when the sea breeze kicked in, along the n. calif coast.)

  21. in India, yes

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