
Are we actually having a Global Cooling (link)?

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I can't wait to see what you global warmers say about this article.....should be entertaining.




  1. Twelve months doesn't mean anything. All twelve months says is "hey its a cold spell" Not 100 of years of global warming.

    Buddy, you and the person who wrote that article need to know the difference between climate and weather. 12 months is not enough data to prove or disprove global cooling. It was just a colder spell.

  2. You're about the 10th person to link this blog, so I'll give you the same answer I gave everyone else.

    Wow, what a terribly written article. Twelve-month long drop in world temperatures? Wrong.

    Let's just forget this article and look directly at the data.

    As you can see in the 2007 global temperature data, the average global temperature increased from March-April, July-August, and September-October 2007. Where's the 12-month long drop in temperatures?  Most of 2007 had a steady temperature around 0.5°C warmer than the 1951-1980 average.

    So now we had a cold January. Yet it was only 0.005°C colder than January of 2000, which is the 8th-hottest year on record. And this one month is evidence of global cooling?

    Sorry, but there's a difference between weather and climate. January was cold because of a strong La Nina cycle effecting the weather. The planet will continue to warm despite this one cold month. I wish it were that easy to get rid of global warming, but it's simply not.

    *edit* Jello claims it's clear that global temps are following solar output.  Here's the data from the Stanford Solar Center.  You be the judge.

  3. This January was the 70th warmest (60th Coldest) on record.  This is world wide, as Africa, the Middle East, Asia, China, and India are all far colder this year.

    The only place where temps are slightly above ave in northern europe.

    The temps are following the sun's output.  These charts are clear.  There is no relationship between co2 and temperatures.

  4. Does  weather create climate or the opposite? Explain the difference between the two.

  5. The cooling has been attributed to la nina. Scientists don't think this is a cooling trend.

    "La Niña cooling in the second half of 2007 (Figure 2) is about as intense as the regional cooling associated with any La Niña of the past half century, as shown by comparison to Plate 9 in Hansen et al. (Hansen et al. 1999) and updates to Plate 9 on the GISS web site. Effect of the current La Niña on global surface temperature is likely to continue for at least the first several months of 2008. Based on sequences of Pacific Ocean surface temperature patterns in Plate 9, a next El Niño in 2009 or 2010 is perhaps the most likely timing. But whatever year it occurs, it is a pretty safe bet that the next El Niño will help carry global temperature to a significantly higher level."

  6. Weather and climate are not the same thing. I would be entertained but the deniers can't ever seem to understand this, so it's beyond tiresome at this point.

  7. It is more than likely that the next 25 - 30 years will see more La-Nina's than El-Ninos which will cause global cooling. Starting in 1977 the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) switched to it's warm phase, and lead to 30 years of more El-Nino's than La-Nina's, that coupled with more asphalt and concrete constructed around surface temperature stations has lead to a 30 year period of warming with a significant warm bias because of urbanization which some dumb dumbs have interpreted as AGW. The 30 years before 1977 saw more frequent La-Nina's and fewer El-Nino's (PDO cool phase) which caused global cooling. We are entering in the PDO cool phase which should cause global cooling.



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