
Are we all going to die because of global warming?

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Are we all going to die because of global warming?




  1. Naaah

    dont worry and the world is gonna be OK ,

    climate change(Global warming) is just going to affect all that lives on the surface .

    and there are so many other possibilities that could get us first

    here is my collection of ends of the humanity

    many predictions are for the years between 2012 and 2020

    Nostradamus,the mayas ,Egyptians Jesus ,

    and Terrance Mckennas time wave who put the magnetic output of the world into a computor projection that stopped at zero in 2012,this means the globe has stopped and it starts turning

    the other way ,the resulting change of currents will turn the planet into a giant washing machine cleaning the surface

    then there are the meteors storms (armageddon) ,the gulf of Mexico is the result of one that would have made life exstinct for a while ,this would result in an other ice age because globe gets covered in dust for a few years,blocking out the sun.

    then there are more posible natural disasters

    Volcanos are coming to life everywhere

    the weather has giant storms like hurricanes ,tornados ,tidal waves ,earth quackes

    a shift of the earth crust ,would change the position of the poles

    under Anrarctica were found fosilized tropical plants indication the pole must have been in a different place then (the mainland atlantis is thought to be under it )

    Apart from that , the biggest threat to any species of exstinction is ,when there are too little ,and when there are too many ,so overpopulation is also a threat

    and the USA appears to be gunning for a global nuclear conflict .it is most likely that this will get us first ,looking at present politics

    the planet will probably survive unless humanities bombs result it to be knocked out of its orbit

    so many ends to choose from

    if it wasnt so serious it would be rediculous

    meanwhile enjoy life .and make the most of it at least we are all in the same boat

  2. SHHHH!  Every time Al Gore starts talking about global warming we have a big huge cold snap.  It's kind of like God is laughing about it.

  3. Nobody is going to die because of global warming. The Earth has been warmer in the past. There were no polar ice caps or permanent glaciers at all in the time of the dinosaurs and at several other times in the distant past. So just relax!

  4. No.

  5. No, because we live in rich countries.

    Global warming will cause coastal flooding and damage to agriculture.

    Rich countries can cope, but it will cost them huge sums of money and wreck their economies.

    In poor countries already struggling to feed themselves many people will die of starvation.

  6. no, but there will be many species that will as their habitat changes and they are unable to adapt

  7. Unfortunately not. It would be quite a show wouldn't it?

    Everyone is afraid of dying. Why? You can't escape it.

  8. No. But this IS a good time to buy stock in the Hawaiian shirt industry.

  9. No, don't believe the hype. "Global warming" isn't what it is cracked up to be.

    Actually, if you really want to reduce "global warming", just get a rock hammer and start hitting. Studies have shown that an icrease in physical weathering of rocks leads to more carbon sink, which, in turn, leads to cooler temperatures.

    So, if you are really worried you might die, just start cracking some rocks.

    The more I think about it, we might die because of it. Both the Mayan and the Akkadian civilizations met their demise at the hands of "global warming". We may be next.

  10. if we are going to live on consuming our resources like it's unlimited and polluting this earth, yes. we need to change our ways, otherwise we are looking at a bleak future.

  11. all of us who are alive right now?  probably not.   but some who are alive later?  maybe yes.

  12. No. Some of us will keep living and in fact will now have beachfront property, instead of that boring inland acreage.

  13. absolutely not... don't believe the hype.

  14. The logical answer:

    No, chances are we're all going to die before the peak of Global could take thousands of years to get to the deadliest point.

    The Religious answer:

    No, Jesus will probably come back before that and rapture the "Christians" and the rest of the people left behind will be branded by the Mark of the Beast and martyred.

  15. No, the expected rise in global temperature of 3 degrees Celsius in no hotter than the Earth has seen in the past, and it is not expected to happen over night.  Rather, over a period of about 100 years.  We can certainly adapt to this change.  It may be unpleasent, especially for some people, but not life threatening for humans as a species.

  16. "We" won't but our great grandchildren probably will.

  17. as always campbel is wrong he should not be allowed to answer astronomy questions

  18. No. However some of the coastal areas may be flooded. Holland will probably have a hard time. Also drought conditions in sub Saharan Africa will probably require a decrease in population of that area. As people do not seem willing to limit population growth nature will probably handle the problem. We won't like that much. Even Australia may have to renege on the new agreement they have with the United States to take our asylum seekers because they will not have enough rain to feed themselves. Obesity may become less of a problem for the poor as they will not be able to afford enough food to stay fat.

    No the human race will not die out in our life time from global warming although some of us will find the going tough. They are the ones who are starving now. They will die faster.

    Buy a heat pump.

  19. we all will die,not for that,it will become okay,but nothing will stay for in one way we will die.never know why,but its a rule of nature.maby we will start life in another planet,who knows? dont worry.nothing will end even we die,we will be energi  ,so we cant die.

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