
Are we all really martians?

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Humans origanally came from Mars. At that time Mars was able to support life, but due to global warming and nuclear weapons, Mars became unliveable. So the Humans gathered what they could and traveled to the next closest planent, Earth.

But due to a grave miscalculation, the animals on the planet were much larger than expected. The martians had no choice but to denotonate, what we today believe is a meteor, a same device that destroyed mars.

Because many of the martians were intellects and could not survive in such harsh conditions, they died off. Only those who were skilled in manual labor survived and have become what we know today as humans. And of course God made the original martians.




  1. Thanks for the hearty laugh!  You have brought joy to my day.  I assume you're joking, of course, because if you're serious then I suggest you seek counselling - or educate yourself better.

    By the way, how does someone "denotonate" a meteor?

  2. I think I missed the school day when this was explained. I really have no idea what you are talking about

  3. did you get this from a book or you for real? the only thing that might make sense is your "spacey" mind!

  4. Ther is some form of therapy for you I just can't put my finger on it.

  5. Human beings evolved on Earth and no where else. Silly notions about Mars are just old science fiction stories that have gotten into the main stream. In fact the theory you are referring to was created by a writer named H. Beam Piper in the 1950's.

  6. Are you high? Seriously where did your theory come from and where is the scientific proof to back up your claim?

  7. probably but there is like this law that makes it illegal to talk to martians so how will i ask them about it

  8. I think you posted in the wrong forum. There is a section called Mythology and folklore.

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