
Are we allowed laptops and psp on aircraft?

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and what about charging?




  1. yep..! you can bring your laptop and psp, but you can only use them when the plane has stopped rising......not sure about charging.............

  2. Yes but they cant be on during taxi(when the plane is rolling on wheels) take off and landing. The pilot will tell you when the can be used> :-)

  3. Yes, but not during take off. After they are a certain distance in the sky you can turn on your psp and all that. and your allowed to charge your things in the airport. allot of people do that.

  4. Yes Laptops/Psps/Portable DVD Players are Allowed To Be Played On The Aircraft. Just Not While The Aircraft Is Still At Its Gate/Taxing/Taking Off Or Landing.

    Although I, As A Pilot Prefer Any Electrical Devices To Be Turned On At All While On/Boarding The Aircraft.

    Hope That Helped!

  5. Yes you are but not when your landing and takeing-off

  6. Ye i think so..its probly not the best idea though.

  7. You can if you have a first class or business class ticket

  8. yes

  9. Yes but you can only use them when the you are high enough in the air and the flight crew says so

  10. As long as any wireless functions are turned off.

  11. Yeah!

  12. on a flight santiago to miami,i saw a man in front of me playing cards on his laptop 20 minutes before landing.

  13. dont think there is anywhere to charge them on a plane, but you can take them on, they just have to be turned off during takeofff and landing...

  14. yes...they prefer you to have them on your hand carry luggage than check it in....

  15. yeh

    i got mine on !!


  16. Yes, we are. I use my laptop and play station portable while flying all the time. However we can only use their batteries as they do not allow charging on board.

  17. yes, but charge you can only in the toilet-if you have a special adaptor..

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