
Are we alone ? 4 open minded people?

by  |  earlier

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think about it? we only know what they tell us, we only see what they want us to see, there could be so much out side are planet let alone galaxy. are we stupid or just controlled and if so why




  1. i am open minded,i am also a free thinker being controlled by no other.....

  2. i think that there is more than humans and just our galaxy there has to be more not necessarily green aliens with three eyes like but other life forms of some sort.

  3. We are not alone, we cant possibly be. So many unexplained things happen ( that are usually quicky explained to stop all the questions) maybe  we are better off not knowing ignorance is bliss and all that.

  4. Does it matter anyway?   Let me ask you this.... if you were in the matrix and you were Nemo would you have taken the red pill or the blue one?   Aaaah.  Live in ignorance or see the horrible truth?  That is the question Shakespear should have asked.....................!

  5. When you consider the amount of planets and the small amount of time mankind has been on the earth (less than a second in the time scale of our solar system) I think other planets did have life of some form at some point - before they became too hot/cold etc.  whether they do now is something we will never know.  If you are talking about man-kind, yes I think we are unique within the solar system as we are a result of how the Earth developed but who knows, there might be other life forms out there somewhere.

  6. Only this question can be answered if, and only when, and considerably not before the justification permits one to do so. So don't even try.

  7. Open minded as I am...could you be just a bit more precise about which paranoid delusion is troubling you?

  8. Chances are, we are not's an arrogance on humanity's part to think we are the only sentient beings in the universe.

  9. pass

  10. I know for a fact that the galaxy is populated with various flavours of alien, who seem to be inexplicably tied to sundry historical religions. We can reach them by diving into an up-ended paddling pool, but the authorities try to keep it quiet.

    Which is not to say that there have not been many, many security lapses, almost all of which have come very close to destroying our world. It happens more frequently that you would expect.

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