
Are we already in an Orwelian society?

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Mp's are h**l-bent on increasing their pay

Freedom of speech is curtailed

And the goverment is corrupt (cah for honours etc)

Are we in an Orwelian society, on the way there or am i just paranoid?




  1. We still have the *freedom* to ask that question, and the open minds (and open language) to *think* of it.

  2. We are not in an Orwelian society yet, as if we were then you would not be allowed to even ask this question, post this comment without severe punishment from the government.

  3. I believe that we have allowed respective governments to control our lives too much. CCTV, probably the introduction  of identity cards and above all a general feeling that they can do whatever the wish to do and introduce measures  highly amended EU Charter is a prime example. On the other hand the government fails dismally to control immigration and violence on our streets.

  4. You are clearly an old-thinker who unbelly-feels Brownsoc! Your thought crime has been reported!

    Seriously, I would say that, Ironically, the answer is no. Because the one thing you could say about the collective oligarchy of Ing Soc, was that it was not corrupt! Our swilling MPs would be straight off to room 101!

  5. Not paranoid. Have you heard of the new monitors being designed by Microsoft for businesses? The screens can watch you so the employer will have the ability to watch what you're doing.

  6. United Nations if made to live up to purpose with support of citizens might lift people out of it. Were citizens to refuse to use News Speak this could halt such a thing.  Call killing,killing,murder, murder. Denounce Human Supremacist Attitudes as contributing to Human Accelerated Global Warming, a Suicidal Greed, Wars, destruction of Planet. List this attitude as cause of ills not humans or any particular type of human as being worse than another on this point. Suicidal Greed means at expense  of Ecosystem, All Life. A slogan for United Nations which might seem Orwellian though is Whoever Wrongfully Attacks Another Nation Fights The U.N.AND SO THE WORLD.  It does need to be made clear though this is what will happen. Were Human Supremacist Attitudes rejected at U.N. officially made illegall designated as a form of racism like that among humans perhaps a Neo-Corporate Orwellian future might not materialise.

  7. Yes mate we are. And I'm convinced Big Brother monitors the answers & questions on here to gauge public attitudes & views.

    As far as exercising  a more heavy-handed control that will come in time no doubt.

  8. I don't necessarily think that we are in an Orwellian Society, that would give the current crop of politicians more credit and sense of purpose than they are due.

    The truth of the matter to me is that we have created a class of professional politicians who have never done anything or had a life outside of politics, and they will do anything including barefaced lying in front of the whole nation (eg Brown and the called off election) to keep on the greasy pole as they know they are unemployable otherwise.

  9. Yes, freedom of speech increasingly curtailed under guise of ethnic/religious/sexual "correctness."

    CCTV following us everywhere.

    Government h**l-bent on ID cards, even though their computer systems are so rubbish vital documents are forever turning up in the street or getting lost in the system.

    Media controlled and manipulated.

    It is all very worrying.

  10. Even worse is the attack on our children's liberties.

    see here: or and be very worried

    A lot of these biometrics systems are produced by a company run by a man called O'Brien! For fans of Orwell, you just couldn't make it up!

  11. no, we've pretty much arrived

  12. we a halfway to complete dictatorship under labour. anuother two years and our freedoms will have been removed completely.

  13. Absoluteley agree with you. We are there already.

    The only think that George Orwell got wrong was the date. He anticipated Blair by about 10 years.

    We have the Ministry of Love (aka the two halves of the former Home Office who want to curtail our freedom by inflicting ID cards on the law abiding and allowing criminals to go unpunished).

    We have the Ministry of Peace (who search for wars to satisfy Blair/Brown's vanity as "world players" and try to distract the media from what's going on at home).

    We have the Ministry of Plenty (who preside over fuel/food/medical shortages and high prices).

    We have the Pigs in the Trough (aka the House of Commons and their purely selfish and greed driven pay rises, selling favours etc.).

    We have Big Brother (not just the ludicrous tv programme, but the ever present CCTV camera which seems to do nothing to reduce crime and the over 100 people who are apparently allowed to enter your home without your permission - including burglars it would seem).

    It won't be long before our Freedom of Speech, which has already been eroded by the scandalous "religious hatred" law, will be taken away completely so that forums like this will be outlawed.

    In the Great Britons table I would put King Henry VIII at the top and George Orwell at number 2.

    Never mind the fraud called Nostrodamus, Orwell was a REAL prophet and got the late 20th century UK right on the nose.

  14. Feels like 1984 to me.

  15. Thatcher started Blair finished Brown controls.

  16. We reached it a long time ago, in fact the minute Blair walked through the door of No. 10

  17. Yes.....Abolish the  Commons!.

  18. Yes , though not completely ; George Orwell would say that there is evidence of Animal Farm and 1984 present in a democracy hijacked by corporations and dominated by an oligarchy with it's own agenda .

    This nation has sacrificed it's future for the sake of short term goals .

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