
Are we already living in "Soylent Green" times?

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Where our food is made out of humans/people? How wrong is this?? And what about the food and human ingredients that they're NOT telling us about?




  1. I think you're overreacting just a bit.  Until you see the scoops, you're probably OK.  

    Of course, once you do see the scoops, it's probably too late.

  2. Not fully , as of yet , although we are not far from it .


  3. No.

  4. Well with the way food prices are going it makes you really wonder. Most of the world's population is vying for very limited arable land. Most people in developing countries are really suffering due to high food prices.Most of the top soil has been depleted, and most of this healthy top soil is being used to grow corn for ethanol production. Some of the recent floods in the midwest have ruined this year's crops, and now we'll have to import food from somewhere else. Some scientists believe that the weather will become more erractic due to the effects of global warming. This doesn't portend too well for optimal crop growth around the world.

  5. Several misspelled words

    leads me to believe it's not

    as true as it should be

  6. I'm sure it's what the environmentalist want save the earth eat people.

  7. Sorta

    A lot of our livestock are raised as cannibals.

  8. I always wondered what's really in wheat thins.  Now I know.

    IT'S PEOPLE!!!!!

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