
Are we as naive about the future as people from the 50's-60's were, robot servents & flying cars..........?

by Guest57843  |  earlier

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space camp on the moon, radioactive reactor to power every home, stuff like that?




  1. I was promised a flying car or jetpack in the '70s, I am STILL WAITING!

  2. In general the population is as naive about the future as people from the '50 and 60's were.  If you read science fiction genre you will see many things written about then and scoffed at are now common.  GPS, Cell Phones, Laser.......The bank of knowledge doubled every thirty years then now it is less than fifteen.  We have very little concept of what will be commonplace in another fifty years.  In the fifties and sixties we were converting to indoor plumbing.  (we had it but some friends didn't)  Now we have Personal computers.  By 2050 we will have a hardwired upgradable computer interfacing directly with our neural net.

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