
Are we as primitive in the future as the Romans are to us.?

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Are we as primitive in the future as the Romans are to us.?




  1. i dont think so, i think were gonna destroy ourselves instead.

  2. whoever said the romans were primitive? they were probably more advanced than us in many ways.

  3. Yes.  Barring some catastrophe, I think we'll look pretty dated to people in the future.

    I think about this all the time.  Even though I'm older, some of the thing I knew or know how to do probably seem dated to people today.  I owned a typewriter.  I know how to "dial" a telephone.  I had a car with a manual choke.  I had a record player.  Now imagine two thousand years into the future.  I don't think that we'll necessarily be considered "primitive," but people may consider our lives to be hard or decidedly "low tech."

  4. It depends if we continue to advance technology or we go through another dark age event and lose the ability to recreate and advance technology.    Roman underwater concrete is a good example of this knowledge being lost for many years.

  5. Depends on whether civilisation progresses or collapses. For example, after the collapse of the Roman empire a lot of their knowledge was lost. And we've used up so many resources like fuel and surface ore through mining that it's hard to see how we'd come back from another collapse.

    So either we'll be seen as primative, or as having God-like powers, depending on what happens. Frankly, I think it could go either way.

  6.'s all relative.

  7. Well the romans are thought of as genious because of there achievements and so will some of are achievements be thought of as amazing. All civilizations biuld off the past ones so in time we will not have been the smartest group and will be just another group that was the building blocks for the next group and so on. We invented the digtial age but we didnt invent boats that travel with no need for this like gas so i think we be surpassed but not forgotten.

  8. Of course.

  9. Yes of course, it is called progress, look at the technology that is evolving around you at present, but in 50 or so years time it will all be consigned to history and looked on as primitive by future generations.

    As for the Romans, yes they had good engineers and were very inventive and were great builders, but I'm afraid that civilisation was a thin veneer, as they could be as barbaric as any other race of that time.

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