
Are we being charged for electric when something is plugged in but not on?

by  |  earlier

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I dont know about you, but my electric bill is thru the roof!




  1. Change your electricity supplier - shop around for the best deal. See Martin's Money Tips website for up to date info on switching.

  2. Well.... some things still run even if you think they're "off." Like if something like a radio has a light that stays on all the time, or a clock. But the things that really shut off when you turn it off won't cost you anything. Does that make sense? I hope I could make it real clear. Have a good day!

  3. A lot of items use electricity when they are pluged in but not turned on. Microwaves hold setting, and time into memory and this takes power, Same with TVs, VCR, DVD, Computers, Printers.

    My wife and I went green about a year ago and one of the first things we did was to replace regular lights with the Compact Floresent Light ( CFL )  It makes a big diference.

    Second we use to have two big garbage cans out for the trash two times a week. Now it is one can once a week.  We started to recycle our cans, bottles, and other things like the tray the eggs come in.  We now have two bins a week mostly full that get recycled.  Atleast we are trying ot save the planet unlike so many others.

  4. yes its called phantom energy where your plugged-in appliances draw energy even when it's "off".  

    If you want to save on your energy bill I suggest u unplugged any appliances u arent using such as television, computer, cell phone charger, printer, etc.

    it'll totally make a difference on your bill for sure and you'll be  helping the environment! =)

  5. Make sure you use surge protectors & turn the surge protector off when you are not using some thing or unplug the device. Yes, many devices continue suck up electricity when they are turned off, not very much but it can add up.

  6. A very good way to make your electric bill drop is to buy those swirly light bulbs they can lower the bill and they are cheaper.

  7. Technically an electronic system is still "on" when things are plugged in, even though the current is not large.That is why it is safest to work on electronics when they are unplugged, not just off.

  8. If your killowatt/hours are much higher than before then something sounds fishy. Someone could be stealing your electric.

    You can test it by turning off your main circuit breaker (the big handle on the side) and see if your meter is still spinning.

    It happens more than you think.

    To answer your question, anything with a light on it while it is off does draw some power. But the amount is tiny, it wouldn't be causing a big difference in your bill.

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