
Are we being cooked to death slowly like frogs with these high gas prices and infaltion?

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Higher prices creeping up every year along with increased inflation to higher prices.........yet people are still smiling and laughing hahaha so happy I Am going to go to Best Buy and blow my money in my SUV......but umm perhaps there is a depression on the loom and the people don't DO TOO much about it becasue they are slowly being cooked by it. You take a frog put it in some water and slowly turn up the heat and you can burn it too death without the frog making a move or really knowing what's going on. That's us here in America don't you think? What will people do when gas is 12 bucks a gallon since that's probably what it will be eventually in the next 4 years.




  1. We are going through what everyone in the government has known for a decade or longer, it is called peak oil. It is based on supply and demand, we demand more than what we can pump. It is scary people especially this coming winter, here comes the demand for home heating and there will be a spike in oil price, right now with the moderate fuel prices we are lowering demand, look around you look how many people are riding bikes, walking that is lowering the demand. I hope everyone can survive this winter and I hope everyone clicks on the link provided, you don't have to believe it but at least read it all so you can be informed.

  2. Yes!  You got that right MISTER!

    Few people understand that Because of the Falling Dollar it's like everyone in this country has taken a huge pay cut.  If people could actually see the pay cut in their money they'd be protesting for sure.

  3. No to your question. Gas prices have decreased over the last week were I live. I never wanted a SUV, even prior to the increased gasoline price, I purchased a small car, get 32 mpg.

    Smaller is better.

  4. Im sorry but alot of the hard times that people are complaining about-well alot of people brought them onto themselves. For instance when you go out and buy a $500,000 dollar home yet you only make $50,000 a year what the h**l are they thinking? People never prepared for the future. Its just natural that the price of things will go up. You just have to prepare for that sort of thing and expect it. Most of the ones hurting these days did not do that. Then when the cost of things went up, or maybe they lost their job they had nothing-no savings to fall back on.

  5. Gas is going down here.

  6. exactly.

    turning the heat up on the frog.

    Notice how the republicans are declaring victory as gas prices come down a little- even though the oil companies are still gouging us and oil should be less than $100 a barrel, once it went down to $137 the republicans started celebrating the victory

  7. The economy is the major issue in the upcoming election. In California they want to name a Sewage Treatment Plant after George Bush. You're not supposed to end your Presidency like this.

  8. Hi atoxyz123,

    That's interesting that you should use that example of the frog.  I remember seeing that comparison being made in "An Inconvenient Truth"  I thought about it on many occassions as it relates to ongoing news reports of environmental degradation. People seem to be able to accept things if it is a gradual but consistent change as opposed to a stark and sudden upheaval; and I guess it applies to more than just environmental issues - gas prices, inflation, war, corruption, etc. etc.  I'm hoping that there will be a balance mechanism in place as gas prices continue to rise, pollution from gas-guzzling vehicles will diminish.  Maybe we will be breathing better air  - maybe.

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