
Are we being manipulated by aliens already?

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I found this what do you think? Real or lunatic rant?

"I, I don't have a whole lot of time. Um, OK, I'm a former employee of Area 51. I, I was let go on a medical discharge about a week ago and, and.. [chokes] I've kind of been running across the country. d**n, I don't know where to start, they're, they're gonna, um, they'll triangulate on this position really soon.

OK, um, um, OK, what we're thinking of as, as aliens, they're extradimensional beings, that, an earlier precursor of the, um, space program they made contact with. They are not what they claim to be. Uh, they've infiltrated a, a lot of aspects of, of, of the military establishment, particularly the Area 51.

The disasters that are coming, they, the military, I'm sorry, the government knows about them. And there's a lot of safe areas in this world that they could begin moving the population to now. They are not! They want those major population centers wiped out so that the few that are left will be more easily controllable.




  1. Reminds me of a bad episode of The Twilight Zone.  Chunk it and start over.

  2. Earth to John S., do you copy?

  3. no, the aliens are not manipulating us, our governments are.

  4. Lunatic Rant

  5. Si Senor!

  6. As I answered the first time this question was asked under "real or just good acting" the caller said that he had been discharged for medical reasons without mentioning any specific condition.

    It is certainly possible that he worked at Area 51 but chose to focus on his paranoia instead of providing verifiable information. The Art Bell broadcast at least claims it lost power during the call and had to go to a back up generator.

    Another unverifiable call from an anonymous source is perhaps entertaining but its nothing more than that.

    So, it might be true but it might not and this call offered nothing to help decide either way.


  7. John...Good job copying this from an audio.!  I couldn't understand everything he was saying on the audio. I hope people on here who haven't heard it will go to that question"Real or Good Acting?".It might be in Resolved Questions now.

    I answered on there too. I remember when someone did something horrible and really really scary to me. I had been ordered not to tell. I knew I had to try to tell somebody. I remember calling someone & trying to tell them(in secret). I didn't know what a panic attack was...I just knew I was really really scared. I think I sounded a lot like that I'm sure they thought I was crazy and didn't believe me.

    I also remember a time I was circled by a shark in the Gulf. I was having such a panic attack I could barely speak and sounded "crazy". They didn't believe me then either.

    So ..either this guy is a really good(or bad) actor trying to imitate someone having a panic attack....or he's telling the truth and having a panic attack because he's SCARED TO DEATH...but has a lot of fear about the "big guys" finding out. The only thing is...if he was so afraid of the "big guys" why would he put it on the radio? But the, I know you're irrational when you're having a major panic attack and have P.T.S.D. It sounds like you're "crazy". No matter what...the TRUTH is the TRUTH is the TRUTH. We just need to find out what the TRUTH is.

  8. h**l, I'm an alien.

  9. Actually, that was a prank phone call to the Art Bell radio program. Very few people would know for sure if ETs are manipulating the human race. A lot of the stuff posted around about alien invasion is bunk, but who knows? Look into

    Keep in mind, the Daleks are pure evil.

  10. Sounds like the rantings of a paranoid schizophrenic.... or the beginning of a good science fiction story.

  11. Wow, i just now found out this section was here, i've got to start paying attention.

  12. I think this is great, it's even better that you believed it.

    I should start writing stuff like this, there's a big enough audience out there who would be suckered in by it. I could run the site on adverts and make some good money out of it, even write a book.


  13. Ok, first of all Area 51 is not a thing to be fooling around with. It is a highly classified top secret facility aprox. 50 miles from las vagas, nevada. I thought that the whole situation with aliens and spaceships were a hoax at first but then I did recently alot of reaserch about it all. One really interesting individual is Bob Lazar. Look his videos up on youtube, it has changed my entire aspect on aliens and there possible existance. You might think I'm crazy, but after all the reasearch I've done I'm convenced. Although The studies done at S-4 are classified but Bob Lazar used to work there, and he'll tell you the rest. "It's an offly big space to make for one race afterall". Another very intresting topic is the aliens usage of element 115 ununpentium.

  14. I'll call Dr. Who and tell him to have the TARDIS ready.

  15. Hillary and Obama are alien operatives here on earth.  Their socialist health plans are are a way of killing you at a younger age so aliens can have more food for their babies.  Area 51 is where aliens pick up human corpses from frozen-food storage units operated by the Democratic Party.


  17. It's probably the other survivors from Melmack coming to pick up Alf.

  18. Could be a schizophrenic or bipolar person. Maybe a wanna be sci-fi writer?

    I don't see any reason why someone on the internet would write the words um or uh (or duplicate the word "of"). Not very intelligent type of writing for a supposedly intelligent high level government employee.

    Having said that, sometimes there are people here who can read minds and I do think they could be aliens.They communicate with each other though their thoughts. They look like us and I don't know what their agendas are. Sometimes I get the feeling of them being insect-like in nature. I don't know anything I can do about it except stay away from these types of people.And maybe pray about it. (And even mentioning the word "pray" brings to mind praying mantis-type creatures).

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