
Are we better than animals?

by  |  earlier

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really are we we fight to kill they fight to survive




  1. NO, animals don't judge like we do, they don't kill for the h**l of it, they live in balance with nature, they live in the moment, they do have souls, they feel pain, they have feelings and we abuse them, kill them, test on them, torture them, and all because we feel like we are superior and own them. Shame on the human race for the way we treat and feel about animals. Shame on those who answered that we are better.

  2. Yes, we're better than animals.  God made us over control of them.

  3. We are just as good as animals.  Some of us are hybrids, like Celine Dion, the singing chihuahua.....

  4. We _are_ animals. We should treat them equally because they have as much of a right to live on this planet as we do.

  5. Yes, we are the superior beings on this planet.

    If we can afford to fight to kill instead of survive then we are a very wealthy species.

    And... we are animals too so we have the same rights to this planet and also the rights to kill others as need be.

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