
Are we born with personalities?

by Guest63988  |  earlier

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Are we born as blank canvases where by our society and circumstances help us in developing our personalities as we grow or are we born with pre-determined personalities that cant be altered by our enviroment.




  1. I think we are born with our personalities but family enviorment also plays a role.

    just look at families with a large number of kids in them. They are still all very different even though they had the same upbringing.

  2. No, mostly family, society and circumstances influence the way you think and feel.  If I was born with a predetermined personality, and if God exists, he must hate me.  Because I'm pessimistic, optimistic, depressed, anxious, confused, exhausted, aggravated, angry, stupid, intelligent, silly, serious, quiet, reclusive, social, loving, loathing, and hating all in one.

    There is a small role that genetics play, apparently.  That's what I was taught in my A.P. Psychology class.

  3. i wish i wasn't born an ****** :'(

  4. very interesting question!

    i wish i knew the answer.

  5. I truly think we all are born with our personalities from our genetics. However, having said that, I also think that where you come from and how you grew up have an important factor in your attitude, which is part of your personality. So the final answer in my opinion is both.

  6. Its base off nurture...

  7. It's a mix of both.

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