
Are we close to World War III...?

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This is all the current wars that are happening in your world!

1948 Internal conflict in Burma

1948 Israeli-Palestinian conflict

1964 Colombian Armed Conflict

1969 Communist and Islamic Insurgency in the Philippines

1975 Conflict in Laos involving the Hmong Laos

1978 Civil war in Afghanistan

1980 Internal conflict in Peru

1984 Turkey-PKK conflict

1987 Second Ugandan Civil War

1988 Somali Civil War (including 2006 War in Somalia)

1989 Kashmir conflict

1990 Casamance Conflict

1992 Conflict in the Niger Delta

1993 Ethnic conflict in Nagaland

1994 Insurgency in Ogaden Ethiopia

1998 Second Congo War, Kivu conflict

1999 Second Chechen War North Caucasus,

2002 Insurgency in the Maghreb

2003 Insurgency in Saudi Arabia

2004 Balochistan conflict

2004 Sa'dah insurgency

2004 South Thailand insurgency

2004 Naxalite (Maoist) insurgency in India

2005 War in Chad

2006 Mexican Drug War

2006 Mount Elgon insurgency

2006 Fatah-Hamas conflict

2007 Second Tuareg Rebellion

2008 War in South Ossetia (2008)

Are you F***ing kidding me

its gonna be about time people start calculating the odds from who the most effective ally is and start grouping!!

and you might be comfortable in your house but all this is actually happening!!!!!!!!!!


are we heading for WW3 ??




  1. Hello,

    At this moment, no but the closest we ever came was in 1962 during the Cuban Missile Crisis. I still remember our clasroom drills preparing for a nuclear blast.


    Michael Kelly

  2. Hey, thanks for the numbers. That is quite sobering all the chaos that is going on and now Russia attacking Georgia.  Pretty scary.  Israel is grouping and purchasing large amounts of arms, planes, know they aren't going to let Iran build a bomb.  When Israel attacks Iran, it's just a matter of time, that could be the tipping point to world war III.  China and Russia will get involved, most likely and it could easily go nuclear really quick.  That first answerer lives in thier own little cable tv world and they think that all is well.  Sad.

  3. U want war go buy the game called Red Alert 2 and we can be at war 27/7 buddy.

  4. I don't think the typical person (getting a diverse 'global harmony' thing up front from day-to-day)  realizes how diverse and how much a danger for WWIII still exists and is INCREASING since the cold war.  There are plenty of small conflicts going on that could trigger a global nuke-war catastrophe, unfortunately, and the risk really hasn't deteriorated at all of a major conflict.  India and China are in their own Cold War with millions of troops squared off at each other on their borders.

  5. Yes, there will be a Third World War and we are heading to it.  But it will not be between Russia and the USA.  It will be mainly between China and the USA.

    I would like to share with you what will happen very, very soon, maybe this year, maybe next year, maybe in 2012 but it will be soon. This is not to scare you. I just want that you become aware of this eventuality because you are my fellow human beings and I love you, so that you will be prepared when it happens.

    The following four independent prophecies point that this nuclear war will be a certainty and a reality:

    1. The 16th century prophet Nostradamus said that a calamitous war (6:24) will happen estimated to occur sometime June 2002. I know that the date had passed already but we are not far away from that date and the war event will certainly come. Nostradamus also said in another quatrain (2:62) that people and animals will die in the war. Why do you think animals will die along with people?  Nostradamus called it “calamitous” because it was just plain stupidity and madness to use nuclear weapons against each other.  (MAD – Mutually-Assured Destruction)

    2. The first 55 of 60 Chinese prophecies called Tui Bei Tu have already been fulfilled. Poem 56 or Prophecy 56 mentioned about “Millions of miles of deadly smoke, on top a mushroom and at bottom a fountain.” It showed “an image of two soldiers, each on a continent separated by the ocean. They do not use their hand-held weapons. They only spew fire (coming from their mouth) at each other. Two fish jump out of the ocean (missiles fired from submarines?) and two birds are flying against each other (warplanes?).” (Those in parentheses are mine.) The prophecy can be found at and Wikipedia.

    3. The Holy Bible, in Revelation 9:18, mentioned about a “third part of men killed, by the fire, and by the smoke, and by the brimstone (sulfur).” Most of these people who will die most likely will be living in cities. They are like cattle herded into the corral of cities. The Chinese prophecy and Revelation on the Bible agree – fire and smoke which issued out or spewed from their mouths.

    4. The Holy Spirit who we talk to and call Ama (God the Father) has been warning us of the coming chaotic and complicated world war which will start at Spratly Islands in the South China Sea. He said that there is no place in this world where we can hide without being affected by the war. He also said that many people will die without even knowing what hit them. Do you think those who were killed in the Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic explosions had time to even ask for forgiveness of their sins and know God?

    The Holy Spirit also told us that it will be dark for one year. Why do you think He said that? Is it because of the “millions of miles of deadly smoke” that will envelop the earth as a result of the nuclear war? One year of darkness! Can you imagine that? It will take one year before it clears out. The smoke will carry radioactive contaminants which will affect the air that the survivors will breathe, the water that they will drink and the food that they will eat. So is there anyplace on earth where we can hide without being affected by this nuclear war?

    The Holy Spirit told us of the coming World War about decades ago and it will start from the Philippines, at Spratly Islands, in particular.  The Spratly Islands is a group of very small islands, atolls, reefs, etc. on the southeastern side of the South China Sea nearer the Philippines and Borneo.  It is rich in oil and gas resources estimated to be greater than the reserve of Kuwait.  At present, China, Taiwan and Vietnam claim it wholly, and the Philippines, Malaysia and Brunei, partly.  The Holy Spirit said that the Philippines will be like the wick of the gas lamp.  Once the wick is lit, then the lamp will be on or aglow.

    World War III will be a war using technology.  Would the US not be dragged into the Spratly conflict because of its Mutual Defense Treaty with the Philippines, one of the claimants?  How about the US's present flagging economy and the high price of oil?  The Holy Spirit said that it will be a chaotic war, maybe because of the many countries participating with various agenda.

    Did you know that the ports of Balboa and Cristobal at both ends of Panama Canal are now controlled and operated by the Hong Kong-based Hutchinson Whampoa Ltd with ties to the Chinese government in Beijing and its military?  Can the Chinese not hide its missiles among the shipping containers in these ports and use these ports as military bases that will make mainland US within easy reach from its medium-range nuclear missiles?

  6. "In the past 3,500 years, only 230 years human being on earth live in peace."

    Do ur math. It's been quite a long time since WW2 ended. Maybe people are tired living in harmony and they want war to make things interesting and create history....*sigh*

  7. To be fair, most of those wars aren't related to each other.

  8. You wanna war?  Go right ahead.  But don't expect me to fight because you want a fight.

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