
Are we compatible... astrologically??

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Can someone do a horoscope matching...

I am June 1, 1984 (female) and my boyfriend is January 20, 1987....are we does our future look? Any other advice...?




  1. i don't think it's a good idea...but who can stop the hearts...

    you two have lots of similarities, which could be good at time, but for future as in serious relationship I don't think it's a good idea.  

    you too love hanging out with friends, you like to spend money, and he likes making money, but you both are people who are really hard to break into, meaning he will share his feelings, and tell you what you want to hear, where as you might never believe him.  because you will think he's hiding something, only cuz it's in your nature, to second judge him.  he might not always be open with you, but that doesn't mean he's not honest with you.  you are the type of person who wants to know everything in your loves life, but he won't be able to give you that.  if you can live with a man like that it's your choice.  but life get difficult at the end...


  3. Cancer/Aquarius...possibly Cap/Aq. cusp. Who knows how that works for SUN signs

    Sorry, but you'll need birth times. There's more to astrology than the sun sign.

  4. astrologically no

  5. Love Compatibility of Gemini with Aquarius

    You love to talk about almost anything, Gemini, and probably know a little bit about practically everything. Your Aquarian, however, knows everything about everything. Although the two of you love to debate and discuss, you have very different communication styles. Yours is more flexible, while Aquarians can be more rigid. You have a persuasive affect on your Aquarius, and may be able to convince him or her to delve into unusual topics like outer space or science fiction. You have a strong friendship, but physical attraction may not happen right away, or at all.

  6. are you like.... trying to get raped? my adivce to you is to stop telling everybody you are hot. this is an advice website, not a dating advertisement. although your answers are very good, lay off the self-soliciting please.

    and you make your own future. if you want it to work, it'll work out (:

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