
Are we condamn to stay poor?

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How do someone get out of bill and make more money. I would like to become rich just like those millionaires but everything I do it seem i get into more misery. Does anyone have an answer?




  1. Getting Money basically involves getting what other person has, it is not "generated" but rotated from one to another. In this chain God fulfils the requirement of the people. So it is a fact that EVERYONE cannot be rich at a time.

    However Richness is usually viewed through different glasses. Contentment is the end thing. Tread a middle path while spending, Look unto others who are not as fortunate as you and you will surely thank God for all the things he has given you, you would feel contentment and happiness

  2. Take a spelling class.

  3. Get the book Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki.

    It's a very good start.

  4. I'd say try to educate yourself a bit more. Read more, improve your writing skills, and take it from there.

    Millionaires are sometimes miserable too. The trick is being happy with what you've got and not spending more than you earn.

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