
Are we crazy cat people?

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We have seven cats three we have had for seven years and three ten week old kittens we bottle fed (who could give them up) and one year old foster are we crazy?????

We have a big house




  1. No you are not CRAZY!  You just love cats! If I had a bigger house I would love to have more cats myself.  As long as you are clean with them and they are feed properly they are doing fine and are lucky to have you as family members!

    Good luck and enjoy them, they sound like they ar loved, and bring you joy!

  2. I don't think you're crazy, nor are you hoarding animals.

    My family personally owns and cares for over 200 different animals, including horses, cows, a donkey, a potbellied pig, dogs, cats, parrots, a dove, a raven, feeder mice, a ferret, rabbits, and a chinchilla.

    Most of these animals were abandoned and labeled unadoptable by shelters, or are disabled in some way.

    Since we live on a farm, this is no problem. And you say you have a big house, so your cats should have plenty of room. As long as you are able to provide them with proper nutrition and can afford proper veterinary care for all of them, you should be alright. ^^  

  3. The fact that you are asking the question causes me to think there may be a problem here, either what you really feel or what your friends feel.

    I have known a lady who cared for a lot of cats and was unable to understand why none of her friends would visit. I had only to enter the house to know, by smell. But then when I sat on the sofa and started to be infested by fleas, I had decided that place would stay off limits to me.

    But crazy is a bit too strong a word. It would be values- distorted at most.

  4. Nah. If you lived in a 1 room apartment, I would say yes. Or if the number got to about 30. You're just a kind animal person. It's a shame there are not more people like you.

  5. Nope as long as you can afford them financially and you have the time to give each one the care it deserves.  Generally people that work around animals (vet techs, shelter workers, etc.) end up with ALOT of animals.  I'm a kennel tech and we have 8 animals total, my manager has 12 animals (10 of which are cats), and my boss (a veterinarian) has 17 cats and 4 dogs.  It kinda comes with the territory haha.

  6. Absolutely Not!!! I applaud you for taking them in and caring for them as well as you have. I feel that we as humans are responsible for animals in caring for them and if you are able to financially provide food, shelter and to keep them clean then more power to you and God Bless You. I have five cats myself and I love them as they were my own children and could never give them up without a fight. So, good luck to you for being a kind and loving person.

  7. Nope! If I had the space I would have more cats myself.  Sounds like you are a good kitty mama!

  8. h**l NO!!! Cats rule. I have two and love them to bits. Cats are like one of the best pets ever. Having a lot just shows how much you love them and there is nothing wrong with that!!!

  9. haha no!

    cats are cool!

    theres nothing wrong with having lots of cats! the best people i know have a bunch of cats!

  10. nope! Too many animals is only in the eye of the person who's caring for them. I have 2 dogs and 1 cat and that's enough for me, but one of my friends has about 12 total dogs/cats and also 5 horses! just depends!

    now you may have a problem if you keep collecting cats and you can't feed or provide veterinary care for them! Thats when you need to start saying no

  11. As long as everyone's fed and happy, I don't see the issue.

    Just be sure to clean well.  Cat p**s has an odor.  LOL!

  12. Absolutely not.  My husband and I are the property of about 20 cats, all of whom are spayed/neutered and are attempting to catch/spay/release as many of the neighborhood strays as possible.  We feed approximately 30 or more cats, and we would not hurt any of them.  We are on fixed incomes, but taking care of our babies is a priority.  If we weren't so advanced in years we would start a cat rescue--a no kill shelter for any and all cats.  Our Harley is even named Garfield, and one of our cats is named Harley!!

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