
Are we currently coexisting with extra terrestrials?

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Are we currently coexisting with extra terrestrials?




  1. They use to say that our solar system was rare, a small planet close to its star but not too close, protected by large planets.

    Now they say it is a repeating natural system.  It very well may be possible.

  2. If you mean coexising on Earth, I say probably.  Not necessarily intelligence, but life.

    If you mean coexisting in the Universe, then yes we are.  Life of some sort must exist out there someplace.

  3. I don't think so. I don't think god created other planets to instill life there, but he created them to remind us of his presence and power.

  4. On Earth?


    Are there any other living things in the universe of billions of galaxies, each with hundreds of billions of stars?

    Almost certainly.

  5. On earth: I doubt it.  If you mean somewhere in this huge universe of ours: very probable, but no evidence of it.

  6. Arthur C. Clarke used the Empire State building to explain the problem. On the building, one inch equals  one million years. For most of the building (and earth's history) life wouldn't be very advanced.

    A textbook placed upright on the TV tower would represent the time we've been recognizably human. A dime would show how long we've been even slightly civilized. Out period of science and technology? The thickness of a postage stamp.

    First problem, extra-terrestrials would need to be incredibly lucky to find this planet at just this time (a postage stamp on top of the Empire State Building)

    Carl Sagan pointed out that the rise of life here, wouldn't be repeated elsewhere. In fact, given the number of mutations and possible paths, it's unlikely life as we know it, would again arise on earth.

    Second problem, extra-terrestrials would be hard put to survive in this hostile, alien enviorment. Plus, two arms, two legs, a nub to hold sensory organs? How likely is that to happen twice?

    In 1961 Frank Drake developed an equation to determine the possibility of other extra-terrestrial civilizations. He used the following factors:

    the rate of star formation in the galaxy (gs)  

    *  stars that can support planets (fs)  

    *  the fraction of planets that are habitable (ne)  

    *  the fraction of planets on which life originates (fl)  

    *  fraction of planets in which a lifeform has evolved to intelligence. (fi)  

    *  fraction of those, that have technology and will to communicate. (fc)  

    *  is the mean lifetime (yrs.) of a communicative civilization.(L)  

    =  Number of Communicative Civilizations (N)  


    The equation is:     N=R*fs*fp*ne*fl*fi*fc*L

    Since my math is at the change-making level. try the following sites to learn more about what the equation is and how it works. My understanding is that, no matter what the numbers you plug in are, there's likely a lot of other civilizations out there. Just that they are here and look human is doubtful.

  7. No honey. Be careful who you listen to.

  8. Yes, why would God create so many planets and galaxies, or the universe in fact, only be sustainable to human life on one little Earth?

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