
Are we dieing because of globe warning?

by Guest10645  |  earlier

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What I'm trying to say is in the bible it says were going to die when god comes back hes coming back with fire so globe warning means the earth is going to blow up cuz of that.....well fire?




  1. If you read the Bible, Genesis tells us that God told Adam it is his responsibility to care for the earth and all it's creatures. If you read Reveleations, it says that those who destroyed the earth will be banished. The "End of Days" doesn't say the world will be destroyed, just mankind.

  2. Yes, and Gandalf will be coming with him.

  3. Interesting that you mention global warming (I'm sure you didn't really mean 'warning').

    Recent scientific analysis shows that this has been the coolest decade since the 1930's.

    I hate to say this, but it looks like we're going back into a cooling period.  I was hoping this warming period would've lasted longer, but unfortunately we have no control over the climate and must live with what nature provides.

    So enjoy life and quit worrying so much.

  4. yes, its true we are dieing,because the heat was increasing we can feel nowadays.we are experiencing the change in rainfalls and monsoons.  

  5. If you read the Bible it does NOT say that we are to 'care for'  the animals and planet.  It says we shall have dominion over them.  Big difference.  It also says we are to be good stewards of our things, so naturally we are to take care of what we have.  Anyway, s***w global whining.  Jesus will return, yes, and He will take the believers with Him.  Don't worry.  God promised not to destroy the Earth again.  The rainbow is the symbol of that promise.  

  6. NO--- however I have no doubt that in about 2-3 billion years as the sun starts to expand --- your prophecy will come true.

  7. I doubt that global warming will get us.  War will though.  If we don't contain politicians, they will annihilate us all.

    Global warming will however change the way we all live.

  8. I didn't know lies could kill you.

  9. No humans have longer life spans than ever before, man made global warming is a scam, dont worry about it.

  10. No.  As a matter of fact I seem to be doing great.

  11. global warming is a hoax, but people are buying into it and those people want to pay higher taxes cause they think that will make it go away.

  12. global warming is alie.

    and when God does return rejoice because you will live forever in heaven,which is perfect, surrounded by all your loved ones. do not fear the end.

  13. We should be alright for a few more  decades , i would'nt get too worried.

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