
Are we doing enough to save 'The Creation?'?

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E.O. Wilson, one of the most well-spoken scientists of our time, discusses this at length in his 2006 book, "The Creation." An excerpt through the link below:




  1. no should have started 20 years ago and we would be halfway there

  2. a question that comes up is, "how much is enough?"

    the answer will be very different, depending on how you are.

    some will answer, "God can do anything he wants, thus, he must want us to do ourselves in, and we shouldn't interfere."

    others will say, "there's no way that people can cause a problem that affects the entire world."

    now it's likely that i don't agree with them.

    i think there's also an economic problem.  this will absorb all the money one would be willing to throw at it.  and then more.

    i'm not a particularly avid reader, but the part of the excerpt i read got boring pretty fast.  somehow i was reminded of the most boring speaker on the planet, al gore, with whom i agree, but couldn't he have found someone with a bit more life in his voice to do the presentation.

    i'm also not enamored with "save the creation".  clearly the world will go on.  some species will go extinct.  it could be that (A) there'll be a major war, and our technology will be lost, dooming us to live in stone age conditions for the rest of the life of our species, or (B) there may be massive local wars and starvation, dramatically reducing our global population.

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