
Are we doing what we should as humans?

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Whether we are dominant or not, are we as a species doing what we should be doing as a species for our planet?




  1. We are devouring our own planet like beasts. We are feasting on the very home we live in.

  2. We really need to cut our sexual activity by about 75% and give the other animals a chance.

  3. Humanity represents the nervous system of the earth...

    If you take the earth as a single-celled organism, we, as humans, have the ability as sensors for the larger cell, to be the first to detect the needs of this cell, and often make suggestions, on how to resolve it's problems...

  4. we started out okay but then today, i think we are not living up to God's expectations. i mean look at all the bad things that are happening among us. there is g*y or L*****n marriages, a new gender for male and female, something God didn't create. Then there is more stealing, killing and the like because of poverty. Then there is technology, though it has help us in our daily lives, it is also used for abortion, wars, cloning, kidnapping and such...

    we use our will, intellect and knowledge for good or so we claim, and yet nature is finally trying to get us back. look at all the natural disasters happening today such as storms, tsunamis and earthquakes. i'd say it is punishment for our wrongdoings.

  5. don't we already know the answer to that question?

    we are the chief screwer-uppers of this planet and we're gonna keep making it worse and worse until everything on this earth dies... miserably

  6. Not really instead are doing the opposite!!!!!!!!!!! g**s, high criminal rate and others...........

  7. Overall, the judgment of the health of a  species is in regards to its ability increase population of healthy, and sexually viable offspring. The human race is doing this without a doubt.

    This is to the detriment of our planet however. The earth can only hold so many living creatures. As the human population grows, natural resources become more scarce, more animals go extinct, and CO2 levels increase warming the planet.

    For all other species nature has devised ways of keeping their populations in check. However, Humans with their increased knowledge of food production, housing from the elements, and medicine, have been too successful for our own good. Starvation, Disease, Hurricanes all serve a purpose to keep these levels down, but humans are constantly fighting against them. We believe no one should suffer, therefore inevitably making us all suffer.

  8. I don't know... did you come with a manual?  I don't think I did, so I don't know how we humans should be acting.  Perhaps, we are, perhaps we're not. I think a lot of people are trying to figure that out with religion, wars, politics, etc.  But I know for one thing, we as the whole world will never be on the same page to actually work together to find out what is the real purpose in life.  To each his own, I suppose.

  9. 50 % care for our planet and the other  50% does not....

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