
Are we entitled to this?

by  |  earlier

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This past Sunday, my husband and I were in a moderate/severe accident involving two other vehicles; fortunately, nobody was injured. I am almost 98% positive that the other two vehicles are capable of being repaired; however, ours is totaled. We were in another state when the accident happened, on a business trip, and we are still here. So we are kind of stuck. He hasnt been able to contact his auto adjuster recently, but we have been discussing the possibility of a rental car. We arent sure if this is covered in his policy, and have no way of finding out until she gets in touch with us. Are we entitled to a car since ours is totaled? I have heard that claiming fault for an accident automatically rules out them giving you one. Personally, I am still rather young (I know thats no excuse for ignorance, but come on...) and dont know much about auto insurance and all of that. I know that he had full coverage on the vehicle and it was completely paid off. His insurance, if I am not mistaken, is USAA.

To sum everything up, will his insurance provide us with a rental car until we can get back home, even knowing that we are at fault for the accident? Anybody with USAA willing to offer some advice? I would be most appreciative :) and thanks in advance.




  1. Call the USAA help line and ask them.  Have your insurance policy number so they can look it up.  Here's the number:

    1-800-531-USAA (8722)

  2. You don't know if your husband's policy has rental car coverage or not?  Well, you're stuck there, so you have to rent the car anyway, then submit the bill to your insurer.  

    There's no "automatic" rulings, etc.  

    Your husband can call his insurance company - USAA - 24/7, and they'll tell him if he has rental coverage.  

    If the "his" means the other guy, no, his insurance isn't going to pay for ANYTHING for you, if you're at fault, not even the rental car.  

    The only thing you have automatic, is whatever is on YOUR policy.  No rental car coverage, no payment for a rental car.  Sorry.  

  3. The chances are that you will not be paid for a rental car, given that this accident appears to be your fault.  Depending on how far you are from home, you might be as well off to fly home when the time comes, since a rental car ONE WAY will entail some serious charges for not returning it to where you got it.

    Check it out carefully.

  4. Worst case scenario, if you need a car (and it appears you do), rent one and keep the receipts. If you find you have the coverage for rental reimbursement, you can submit the receipts to your insurance and they will reimburse you up to the daily limit of your policy.

    Glad nobody was hurt!

  5. If the accident was the other driver's fault, his insurance company would be liable to pay for the entire rental car and either the cost to repair your car or its fair market value.  Since you did not have a contract with his insurance company, you fall into the 3rd party liability category and as much as they try to play games with you, they will loose if his fault.  ie:  they will try to get away with giving $30 a day for a car rental, but if you rent a comparable vehicle to your car, you are entitled to have the whole bill paid.  It would be him that would be limited in a rental based upon the limits of the policy that he contracted with the insurance company to get.

    Your insurance company may have sold you rental coverage.  In that case, you would be entitled to a rental car without regard to fault.  You may not get a full rental b/c the policy will specify how much you are allotted for a rental car.

    The difference between your insur co and his is that the theory of coverage from you for his insurance company is based upon tort and its obligation to indemnify, whereas your own insurance company is liable to you based upon strictly a contract theory.  Whatever the contract says is binding on you with your own company.

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