
Are we ever going to have the courage to indict the USA for their War Crimes and abuses against humanity?

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We watch Europian war crimes tribunals and reflect on ethnic cleansing but do we ever consider the atrocites commited by the USA in Vietnam. Laos. Cambodia, Chile, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Panama, Iraq, Afghanistan, either directly or by their cohorts? The obscene spactacle of their eulogies of ex-presidents who supported these abuses of human rights continues unabated. It won't be too long before GWB is held up as an example of the American Way. Are the Irish and Brits happy to be associated with this psycho pathic Empire?




  1. If Obama gets in On or about Jan 21 2009,  If I were you I would be asking if their is a new drug, out that can help you,

  2. what country do yo live in? besides, u should not be mean to the entire country if only the presidents are responsible. if u don't live there u might not understand that the american people do not vote for every little step their country makes. they vote 4 the person who decided what they do!

  3. right after China, Africa, France, England,  and on and on.  All in the eyes of the liberal.

  4. Oh please...what liberal claptrap professor have you been listening to? We go in to help these people & if it doesn't happen fast enuf people like you start crying to get out & yell "Baby Killer". We saved Europe's *** in WWI, the world's in 2, Korea's, got out of the Phillipines, would've done the same in Vietnam but for you liberal crybabies.

    Stalin anyone? Pol Pot? Shining Path? Prosecute them first fool.

    And it was the US Congress that approved going into Iraq.

  5. You are crazy, you are the crime. Liberalism is a mental disorder.

  6. what can we do, they are the most powerful country in the world. we rely on them for imports and exports and if they wanted. they could fire off those hundreds of nukes and wipe out the whole world. until we get the whole world to disarm there nukes we cant realy do anything against the giants such as the usa and china for examples.

  7. We are only the bad guys when you don't want us to protect you or support you.  

  8. What war crimes. feeding and clothing the same prisoners that beheaded and drug our own soldiers through thier streets? get a life. maybe if you feel so sorry for the murderers you need to leave our country. And go where the poor terrorist are. PLEASE DON'T LET OUR BORDERS HIT YOU IN THE *** ON YOUR WAY OUT!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. It's been made pretty clear in the news that Kissinger isn't going to travel much out of the United States.  I would hope that others might not fare as well as Pinochet did in London.  Thanks for bringing it up.

  10. You would then have to indict the majority of countries on the face of the planet - all of them have skeletons in their respective cupboards of one kind or another.

  11. To be fair England would be in line far ahead of America

  12. as there are no war crimes...the answer is no...the pelosi reid regime wastes enough time in government, we need not waste more.

  13. Don't worry the New World Order crowd has already made a lot of progress in defanging the United States. It won't be long now before we'll be just a few pages in the history books.

  14. Show me your proof.  I wish we weren't allies with the Irish and the Brits.  You're a shining example of how we have to call constantly hateful people our allies.  Get your proof and we'll meet you at the tribunal.  Salaam.

  15. i think you need to study politics a bit more -

    and military history


  16. Interesting that some of the English Kings weren't mentioned, along with the terrorist factions of Ireland.

  17. I'm afraid it's never going to happen like that... I mean nobody will be judged but later some president will pretend to be terribly sorry for the past, as it often happens.  

  18. Unfortunately the ruling military Empire ignores any noble International Laws. The U.S. was the victor in World War II and prosecuted with Great Britain, France and the Soviet Union the Nuremberg Trials against n**i Germany.

    Here are the Nuremberg Trial indictments.

    The Nuremberg Trial Counts One & Two: Conspiracy to Wage Aggressive War and Waging Aggressive War. The "common plan or conspiracy" charge was designed to get around the problem of how to deal with crimes committed before the war. The defendants charged under Count One were accused of agreeing to commit crimes. Accusation for Count Two was defined in the indictment as "the planning, preparation, initiation, and waging of wars of aggression, which were also wars in violation of international treaties, agreements, and assurances."

    Abundant evidence is now available that shows that leaders and advisers of the Bush and Blair administrations engaged in "planning, preparation, initiation or waging of a war of aggression." Iraq posed no threat to either the United States or Britain. Its government had neither the means nor the intent of waging war against these countries; nor did it issue any threat to them. It possessed no WMDs.

  19. The entire country cannot be held responsible. Do not mix the intentions and beliefs of the American people with their criminal government.

  20. You the people, it's your chance to get behind Sen, Dennis Kucinich and give him all your support, you have so many good people that are behind him like Cinthia McKinney, Ron Paul.  You even have a good man running for President in 'Chuck Baldwin', so you have everything going for you, but they need YOUR support.

  21. You have to be on the losing side of a war to be put on trial, silly.

    You not only have to lose the war, you have to lose big. Big enough to get captured by your foe.

    Just look at your history. Grand Admiral Karl Donitz was put on trial for waging unrestrained submarine warfare in the Atlantic while the U.S. Navy was doing it in the Pacific. Goering was charged with the war crime of terror bombing civilians and the trial was held in the ruins of Nuremberg. That city had been bombed to a worse degree than anything the Germans had even been capable of doing.

  22. Psycho pathetic?  I believe the Kurds might disagree who should be tried.  Panama what Noriega's cell not comfortable enough?

    Anyone who even begins to cite these countries as having grievance against this country for war crimes needs to rewind the tape and pay attention.  Remember Tienanmen Square was that lone protester caught in the crosswalk?  If I am not mistaken that had something to do with human rights, sorry LACK of.  It is diatribes like this that give greater substance for the need of Charter Schools.

    Thank you your insight made my day.  And yes there are so many better places you should go.  Make sure you spew this there, about them, and see who you think should be tried for crimes against humanity.

  23. I don't care personally, as I don't expect to live much past WWIII.  I'm getting on in years.  But if you really prefer our enemies, by all means join them.  

    See what kind of human rights you will find in Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Chile, Nicaragua, El Salvador, or Panama.  Learn about life under the Taliban or Saddam.  Not to mention China, Russia, and Sudan, and many others.

    It's not that I'm not concerned for the people in those countries; but my powers to help are limited.

  24. You're right on all counts and no the majority of British and Irish people seem to be firmly against these illegal wars, beautifully described in stark Roman style imperial terms by Zbigniev Brezhinski.

    You are also right that typical Americans, Brits and others have absolutely NO IDEA of the scale of US attacks on free, democratic and liberal regimes - c**p education and no will to ask awkward questions.

    A small number of well educated, determined people with their own moral compasses will lead the way but there is a growing number of people on both sides of the Atlantic who are prepared to do that research and to speak out against the unspeakable.

    Good question, well said... let's hope they do get tried, there is evidence a plenty and for anyone who still disagrees, try Mike Ruppert + CIA + 9-11 on youtube - an ex cop, a man of unimpeachable integrity and a true patriot in the best sense of the words.

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