
Are we ever gonna give men a break??

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White women complain that their men are too dominant and complain about them wanting to be the head of everything, yet these guys bend over backwards to try to satisfy them.

Asian women complain that Asian men are too dominating or too geeky, yet white guys are just right. I don't get this one but anyway..... Asian men are fighting hard to provide for their families and to please Asian women, whether it be their wives or mothers.

Native American women complain that their men are nothing but broken down drunks yet these men fought hard and were killed in order to keep the "invaders" away and to keep the women protected from harm. And these men are still fighting hard.

Black women complain that black men don't want to be dominant enough and don't want to be the man of house or men period for that matter, yet these men had to endure years of lynchings and floggings but they do try.

Can we give men a break??? It's not exactly easy being a man ya know. My dad and three brothers haven't had easy lives just because they were men.




  1. male pretending to be female?

  2. Lostfan: Wow I hate the topic of land and Natives and I try to stay away from it as much as possible but I must say to you that of course right now you aren't a perpetrator but Natives ARE victims. Because of a couple of ancestors, there has been results that they have to live with. They don't have as many cousins as they probably would have because of a couple of massacres once upon a time. Don't get me wrong, I know this is a dog eat dog world, survival of the fittest, and I'm glad with the way the country has been run and our national security but eh... a little sympathy for the current Natives?

    Asker: Where men need a break is women should be more open to asking guys out once in awhile. Not all the time, but just don't rule it out when having a conversation with a guy. Why do guys always have to chase, why can't we meet half way? Oh right tradition. Yeah you know because traditions are written in stone and can't change right. Men get so much pressure and then many become shy and nervous (thus not great in conversation which I don't think is a 1:1 two way street to begin have to keep asking questions or it's just silence. Girls you can contribute too!) which is a TURN OFF to women. No break? It's ok for women to by shy though... it's not a "turn off" to us... Can't we get a break? We just want you to like us. By the way asker when I say you, I'm not saying you you, but all girls reading. Thanks for your sympathy for us men :-)

  3. You're trying to get an online boyfriend from this by coming off as "easygoing". tsk tsk

    If you have ever tried to run for Student Council president you will know that being a girl is much harder than being a guy.

    Actually running for SCP was the first awakening I had about how close school and real life really are. Like many real-life situations, people vote for who looks hot, who is popular, and who will keep them feeling safe.

  4. People believe the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.

    No one truly knows what they have until they loose it.

    The same goes for the men who don't care for the women in their lives.

    Really the typical, middle-upper class human being doesn't have a hard life, we just like complaining when we are inconceinenced.

    Personally, I love and respect the wonderful men in my life. They've been my greatest supporters, shoulders to cry on, person to call when I just want to get up and go somewhere, etc.


    What does student council have to do with any of this? If the hardest thing to get onto in life is student council then I say you're doing pretty darn well.

    High school student runned pseuo-governments aren't a good representative of the typical population and it's not that hard to get on student council if you're well liked (no matter if you're a guy or girl) you are moderately intelligent and you're able to get in front of a group of people and speak.

    ETA 2:

    Point taken but that still doesn't explain how explain running for student council of all things is so much more difficult for a girl than a guy. Maybe if the girl is unattractive to most and the guy is really hot (which I agree is really unfair) but if you have an attractive male and an attractive female then what makes it so much harder for a female than a male?

  5. O.K.

    White men have dominated women of all races in the past and some still do.

    Asian culture has been pretty male-centric. I don't understand about complaining about men being too geeky. But these are the cultures that brought us foot-binding among other things. and maybe Asian men would not have to work so hard to provide for their women if their women had been more encouraged to provide for themselves. Sorry, but you can't stack the cards against half the population and then complain about what you have to do as a result.

    It may be true that Native American men did their best to fight off the invaders and are still fighting now. Small consolation for a woman with an alcoholic husband (this goes for any background and race).

    It wasn't just men who were slaves. Black women endured plenty and they got the right to vote after black men did!

    My point is not to belittle men here but to point out that most people (regardless of gender) haven't had an easy life. How about everyone give everyone a break?!

  6. Where do you get your information from? what a load of rubbish!

  7. men will get their break when the lady understands why they are here!

  8. I really don't think Asian men are dominant in the family, certainy not nowaday, in fact, being an Asian woman, I have real life experineces of Asian men.  Generally, Asian men  bond to the family, hardworking, intelligent and humble.

    About white men, I don't know them well, but my boyfriend respects me and is very supportive to what I want to do.  He is no difference from Asian men.

  9. true that all men named have not personally experienced what their ancestors did.

    just like NO woman ( aside from your grandma ) has experienced major persecution. but to acknowlege this is the downfall of the feminazi movement so it wont happen.

    white men have it harder than anyone else today.

  10. All the men you have named haven't experienced what their ANCESTORS did.

  11. Not quite sure where you were going with this one,? but in defence of some of the men you mentioned, Any native American man who fought and died for his land and women,  has surely earned the right to get drunk whenever he wants, and as for the black men who have been lynched, how are they expected to be more dominant when they're dangling from a tree on the end of a rope  for years?

  12. I am troubled by the same questions. Maybe not as pacific but men do have to endure way to much of what we women tend to dish out! Women just expect men to read their minds at times, know what they want, what they don't what. Remember what their favorites are, when anniversaries are, birthdays etc. Sure individually some of the things women expect aren't that big of a deal, but what women don't realize is they normally expect them all. Then they'll even have to deal with us on our periods and d**n we can get pretty nasty, men again enduring whatever **** we dish out, weather intentional or not. Normally women also expect the man to pay the bills, support them in life, which isn't a bad thing in doses [in fact it makes some men feel good being able to support their women] but come on don't going running them dry paying for your needy shopping sprees! The list go's on, and the point is we really do need to cut every guy a break now and again! Tis true women do try very hard to hold up to men's standards as well, some of us try and try to make sure we look just right in front of you guys, we even sometimes try really hard arousing you as well. But let's not forget how hard men try to impress the ladies! Come on girls most men wind up on there knees attempting to satisfy a women, weather it's his women or his dream, so come on don't you think guys need a break? perhaps even a award now and again? ha ha ;)

  13. Good point.

    Empathy towards men has all but disappeared in our society. Too many women would rather blame men for the unfortunate experiences in their lives than work towards healing. Yes, women should start giving men a break.

  14. Thank you for acknowledging that your dad and brothers haven't been given an easy ride because they were men.

    But honestly, we dont have it any worse than women, i will hold that point.

    There are certain area's of society where men aren't treated equally, and the same for women.

    However, i will not get in a debate about those area's right now.

    However i do thank you for acknowledging that men have had to endure struggles just as women have.

    Freedom Forever: Sorry, but that is a load, perhaps you perceive that it is easier for a man, but there's really no motive for bias for 99% of people. There are a few people who are truly racist/sexist who wont give men/women/blacks/whatever a fair run, but they are of no consequence.

    Really, the only reason i can see why you would want to believe something like that is that you need something to blame for dissatisaction or failure in your life.

    Jane: That only goes for the blacks and the native americans, but THANK YOU! I try to use this argument when i debate the fact that Indians in my country are asking for insane amounts of land because "it was stolen from us by you". My ancestors stole it from your ancestors, you are not victims, and we are not perpetrators.

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