
Are we excited about President McCain?

by Guest62682  |  earlier

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I know he is to much of a moderate for some conservatives, but either him or osama.




  1. I think he has alot of potential... Both do but I prefer McCain because of his military background.

    I just can't come to term with Obama's muslim background whether he uses it today or not.

  2. he is not president yet u know...

  3. Not really that excited.. but havn't been excited about a presidential nominee since Regan.

  4. McCain has an impressive military background and knowledge. Which to me is important in the times we are living in.

  5. not really, more excited about our future president OBAMA..

    why would you make fun of someones name? especially with an ethnic name? that could be construed as racist..

    (all the same if someone made fun of a typically caucasian name--- BOB or Jan.. ) you shouldnt do that.. PPL are entitled to having w/e name their parents wish to give them.. and who are you to make fun of it or say its weird..

  6. In your dreams, McCain will never win the election, even if he was running uncontested.

  7. NO. I think this country has had enough self serving war mongering lack of leadership.  Nobody that can read wants another Republican in office. Poor Obama is going to spend the next 4 years trying to fix what a corrupt bunch of people have done to this country.

  8. McCain can't even excite his wife, how he is going to excite a nation? The old man is soooooooooooo dreary and boring.

  9. Well, Who is the first lady if he is president?

    Mrs (Carol) McCain (the 1st wife) or Mrs. (Cindy) McCain who he pursued while he was still married to a disabled Carol when he came back from the war?

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