
Are we exporting global warming?

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I read that the polar caps on mars are melting. Some say that proves the sun is causing our warming. My theory is that we are warming the entire solar system instead. Man made global warming is now warming the entire universe!




  1. Hey dude, I really think that you are losing it! Turn off the computer, go out side and find some friends to play with, sonny. And stop watching the Sci FI channel.

  2. Does that mean we are warming the sun and not the other way around, I think you should get a couple of physical science books from the library before forming any theories on your own without adult supervision.

  3. global warming is only part of the equation  that threatens us

    I must say that your suggestion that we are s******g up the entire universe ,is the heaviest one i have heard as yet,

    Talk about looking at the big picture


    Up till now i have confined my views to the Earth

    Global warming is but a component, in a group of destructive forces at work such as ;deforestation,desertification,soil and water contamination ,irresponsible or wasteful utilization of bio resources , air pollution,Non sustainable Agriculture,over pumping carbon aquifers

    all concepts which are definitely not part of the Natural Processes of the Natural world;...


    The most prolific growth on this planet is part of the day in the mist and most of the time under clouds ,and the least growth is always directly in the sun .

    To exchange the one for the other means changing local climates

    We are exchanging Nature with Tar , concrete and open spaced mono cultures.

    In 300 years half of the planets forests have gone ,and in the last 50 years half of the wet lands ,and rain forests

    These Areas absorb heat during the day and release heat at night ,

    Cause cloud formation(shade).humidifying the air on the surface as well as releasing excess water at the roots that keep rivers flowing ,which in turn brings more water into the Environment .

    As well as contributing to absorbing carbon emissions as do the leaves of the trees together with the oceans .

    All in all many factors which directly affect the local Environment .

    The loss of the above resulting in rivers drying up ,less rain ,desertification,loss of habitat for many species and so on.

    dryer and hotter surface environments which can manifest in different weather patterns such as tornadoes or bush fires

    I may be stupid or Naive but somehow i believe that lots of these local environmental changes, can add up to affect global weather, If there are enough of them (and there are)

    And then on top of that comes the story of the effects of pollutants released into Nature and especially the Air ,by MAN

    A cocktail of events and a lot of the ingredients have MAN written all over them

    So it is safe to assume that we should look at ourselves ,just a teeny bit ,for possible improvements ,and rectifying Eco errors that are with in our powers.

    What is a safer bet

    to be or not to be;...;...

  4. Paging, the staff psychologist, you are needed urgently!

  5. d**n that mars rover!!! I knew this would happen.

  6. I am surprised the Kool aid drinkers didn't fall for that one too.....

  7. You watch too many movies.

  8. Definitely, thanks to Bush

  9. tomster, I want you to drink this Kool-Aid..and then you can continue to believe that our deadly greenhouse gasses are making their evil way to the fourth planet..not to mention, across the near vacuum of space, to heat that bad boy up too..and oh yeah..there is no Tooth Fairy either..

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