
Are we failing in America because we have become a me nation and not a we nation?

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A large percent of commercials on t.v. are directed at the individual and their personal happiness.

We spend more time playing video games and watching the television than we do spending time with neighbors and family.

The Internet takes a large amount of peoples time also.

Americans have truly become self indulgent and hateful to one another.




  1. fyi its called the dumbing down of america !!!!!!!

  2. Capitalism and individualism are wonderful for driving technology forward.  

    Unfortunately it also creates a group of elites who delusion themselves into thinking they are better, smarter, and worth more than the rest.  As long as we continue to believe that our happiness and self-worth lies in our own individual wealth or achievements we will always be disconnected.

    There are plenty of people still left who still care.  People are still going to school for years racking up debts to become social workers, teachers, etc.  

    The good news is that the self-indulgent will eventually self destruct.  We just have to prepare for the fallout, and get ready to pick up the pieces as usual.

  3. America thrives on an individualist culture, rather than a collectivist culture. I tend to think that happiness is more evident in socially collective cultures.

    In other words, I agree with you.

  4. What did you expect?  America is based on capitalism.  And with tax cuts for the rich, the rich keep getting richer.  It sickens me to see all of this greed, but it is the very nature of the nation.

  5. Complaining about people isn't going to help. Alot of countries do the same thing we do. EX:Video games,internet,tv.

  6. No.

    Decode this lyrics " A new day has come" with " A whole new world" waiting out there.

    Just blunders and slip-ups with human errors created back in the past being expose with time after the mystery of us-911.

    Just trying to correct the mess out there.

    With the way forward.

    In hitting the home-run.

    Revealation 21 .1-7

  7. yes...very good point...well said

  8. You have a point.  It's the land of 'milk and honey.'  Unfortunatley, it's also become the land of lazy and immoral.  Not all the time, there is still good, but most of our society is out of hand.

  9. I suppose this question needs to be given a little more clarity.

    What exactly do you mean when you say America is failing? In the opinions of some (not me, but some), America is more successful now than it ever has been. In the opinions of others (such as me), America is spiraling into a chaos of individual egotism and selfishness that destroys the community, national, or any group dynamics.

    I studied sociology under a truly remarkable individual that taught me to look at society, cultures, communities, and religions with an open mind and rationalist thought. Most sociology courses in colleges teach a specific attitude or agenda in what is perceived as acceptable or unacceptable, but true sociology must maintain absolute neutrality in it's study and application if it is ever to be useful.

    True to your words, there is a great deal of individualism, selfishness, and even hatred that is most commonly spawned by the greedy and the power-hungry. Even the politicians that claim to be trying to "level the playing field" and "nurture tolerance and equality" are the very ones that insist on class-separation, racism or bigotry, and the complete dissolution of community.

    Of course, I'm talking about those pesky liberals.

    I'm no fan of political extremism or partisan politics, and I certainly don't like "conservatives" or "republicans," but, seriously, how often do you hear the republicans or conservatives identifying any specific group such as African-Americans, g**s, atheists, or any other 'minority?' It's pretty rare, as they usually elect to group all Americans together. Liberals or democrats, on the other hand, can't seem to stop breaking society up into categories and championing them in smaller groups rather than as one people. All the while, the liberals are claiming that they are trying to "eliminate the divisions between people" while they are the greatest proponents of categorizing the populace.

    Perhaps the first step toward making America "one nation" (be it 'under God' or not) is to immediately address the blatant hypocrisy that permeates our governance.

  10. I find this hard to believe because I see a nation that is more in contact with eachother than ever before. Kids in class texting the person right next to them because they can, retail markets advertising to the consumer are no different than before the television was invented it just made it more convient. People who exhibit supremacist behavior have their own issues but I don't think it makes up the majority of our society.

  11. If you really think that's true, you need to get out more and pay attention to what other people are doing.

    Grab your phone book.  See if there's a listing for "Lions Club" or "Rotary" or "Kiwanis".  If you really think there aren't good people in the U.S. who are concerned with the problems of other people, call them up and go visit with them.

    And there's the Salvation Army.  I defy you to find one of them that's self-absorbed for a minute of the day.

    Read the newspapers, and check local bulletin boards, and wake the h**l up when you patronize local businesses.  I'd be surprised if no one at a fast-food place or grocery store had asked you for a dollar for the Jimmy Fund, for kids with cancer.   Remember Jerry Lewis being in the news for a tasteless remark recently? Well, that evil homophobe was doing what he does every year, staying awake for a week to raise money for Muscular Dystrophy.  We had a dance near here to raise money for a homeless shelter this past week, and two golf tournaments to raise money for other charities.  There's a box in every grocery store I know of within ten miles of my home for donations to the local Food Banks.  

    Maybe you just live around people that suck.  Or maybe you're too self-indulgent to notice that there are some pretty nice people out there.


  13. A very interesting theory... YES, we are a ME nation.. OR politically, a WE nation in the sense of them vs. us.

    I LOVE being a California Republican... No illegals, but hug my trees... cut capital gains tax, but cut welfare... cut welfare, but put them to WORK.  And USE DNA, but use the Death Penalty.

  14. We are not failing, we still provide the most robust economy and one the highest standards of living in the world. Self interest motivates people to be more productive. Furthermore if you truly want to see people driven by self-interest visit any third world country.

  15. Yes I think so.  All the activities you mentioned are also mindless escape.   What happened to the real men.  What happened to thoughtful young ladies.  It's a competing contest and what they don't realize is there is always someone that will be richer, smarter, luckier.

    America needs better role models than the ones they throw at the kids that are drugged up, loose and gang oriented.

  16. I would suggest to you that the "norman rockwell" image of america that you are longing for and lamenting the passage of, did not exist to begin with.

    The only thing that history tells us is that people always complained about how awful the "times" are, and how great it used to be.  Using this logic, i guess we should all long for the days when our average life span was 32 years old and we had to live in mud huts with thatch roofs.  

    No one can afford to have strangers over to their house any more.  You can and will get sued if your neighbor's kid skins a knee on your property, or if your dog trips somebody or if someone gets hurt in your swimming pool.  Blame the lawyers for un-neighborly neighbors.

    I do agree that television is an aweful invention though.

  17. Advancing "me" helps the nation. If people don't care about friends and family they suffer.

    who says we're failing as a nation?

    written by a 13 year old conservolibertarian.

  18. You can't change everyone in the world, but you can change yourself.  Go out and visit your neighbors and get off the computer.

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