
Are we fools or merely idiots?

by  |  earlier

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Nations go to war to win, not to lose. They develop the know-how to win, like we did when we developed the a - bomb to defeat Japan, which we did, saving 1 million yank lives. Billions were spent to develop the bomb and create a nuclear arsenal to protect ourselves and the free world. It worked. Those kamikaze-minded suiciders quit after two nukes showed them who’s who. Now islam is going after us the same way, killing, to date more than 4000 yanks as they perpetrate suicide bombings.

We possess nuclear arms; our enemies do not, at least not yet. Yet they behead us, kill us, mutilate our dead bodies ,drag them thru the streets of their cities, threaten us if we bomb their so called "holy cities", and subject us to humiliation for “abusing” the terrorists we have captured as if we were supposed to coddle them instead. As this goes on we huddle in fear of what terrorists will do next.

So what do we do? The unelected U.S. Supreme Court gives them “terrorists rights”

to sue in our courts while “back home” they behead us. And we prosecute our own soldiers for not coddling them.’

REAL SMART, isn’t it? But this isn’t the start of this insanity -

We could have won in Korea with nukes, but the liberals, panicking the administration, claimed Russia and China would nuke us if we nuked korea. the result: nukes sat idle, the war was a stalemate, 33,000 yanks died and now korea has come back with its own nukes, threatening us which wouldn’t have happened had we nuked them back then. Real smart.

We could have won in Vietnam, but the liberals claimed nukes weren’t nice because too many of our enemy should die. the result: we lost the war, and 59,000 yanks died, instead.

Real smart.

We went to war in Iraq in 1990, but pulled out when it was half over, leaving the regime in power. The result: another war had to be begun all over, which we thought we won. but yanks die daily while nukes sit idle. Some victory we “won”. Real smart

Now we are led blindly down the path to believe moslem nations such as Pakistan will assist us in rooting out alqueda. Al queda is paying everyone off to be on their side. Even if they weren’t, moslems wouldn’t act for us. Pakistan has nukes, supplied with red mercury and technology by the Russian mafia. And do you think al queda has no access to their nukes? Allied with Pakistan? Real smart.

Hw long will this “pearl harbor – 9/11 mentality” of sitting back, doing nothing decisive and procrastinating, persist? Must we wait until they blow us up, kill our children, brothers, sisters and parents one by one before we finally realize that we are justified in totally annihilating them and ending their threat for once and for all?

In the meantime bandit and terrorist nations are clamoring to build nukes. Who do you think they will use them against, Monaco? Do you think these kamikaze minded maniacs will consider fallout or any similar considerations when they can and will nuke us, to make them hesitate to nuke? The liberals show photos of burnt j*p children to move us not to nuke. But what will our children look like if they nuke us? Do we have to await a third Pearl Harbor-9/11 before our sense of self-preservation and the preservation of our posterity is awakened and we excise the malignancy of islam from the face and body of mankind for once and for all?

Must we apologize to them and coddle these terrorists and excuse ourselves for conducting war? And must they get rights to sue in our courts while they behead us?

Did we spend those billions for marching down Main St. on the fourth of July, while yanks die daily and the arsenal sits idle or was there a more appropriate purpose to build the nuclear arsenal and protect ourselves? How long must we keep on huddling in fear and worry of what they will do to us next, when nukes sit idle? MUST WE WAIT UNTIL THEY NUKE US BEFORE WE WAKE UP?

What kind of fools are we?




  1. There is a suggestion which may not suit but it is that The Human Right To Peace could be something to introduce into The Bill Of Rights for Americans and then into the nations around the word. To have such a right could mean that terrorism as it is a form of violence would lose appeal. The next step could then be for all citizens to have The Right To Own The Earth. Were terrorist attacks to continue any terrorists would look like fools as they would have no support as they would be attacking a Constituitional right of each citizen direct. There would be such massive protests as to put all past ones to shame.  There is also a Witch Hunt Mentality to consider the torture may not stop at terrorists it could happen to you,me, anyone if it was deemed necessary.

  2. You are right, we are fools ,and idiots ,and silly and maybe even "r****d War is a very sad thing, and too many Americans and other Nationalities lost their lives, some of my friends also died in Iraq, and some in Arganasthan, and my niece, cousin and son in law were in iraq thank God the made it home safe, but !What about those that didn't, and how about they ,kids, wives, husband and others families members that stay behind !What are we suppose to tell them, to  comfort them in their pain and sorrow, every thing Sucks, My husband is retired  from the Army and he got mess up in Vietnam, and he ally get enough benefit, my son God - Father still got a big hole in his throat for been in Nam and the list goes on, Ia'm soo glad you ask this question  it's a good one i gave you a star  i agreed with  you  in every step of the way, i  don't know !!What we could do to fix this problem because it's a big world problem , people are scared, worry ,and all tress out ,depress and don't know what to do, so i just pray and leave it in the hands of God, He nows everything, you are a very smart person  use your good gift and talent for a good  cause and please don't let it go to waste, you take care, God bless you, peace,

  3. It only takes one idiot to go to war!

  4. What do you really think?

    The reason the US can't use nukes in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan is that they are fighting an unseen enemy, who is indistinguishable from the people on the streets.

    They are not going to nuke innocent people.

  5. I would just like to thank you for the question. It actually made my day to hear someone that thinks logically.Great Question.

  6. wow..

    that was an interesting thing you wrote..

    and long...

    war is good and bad..

    that's all i have to say..

    p.s. you're very persuasive.. become a writer..

  7. merely idiots

  8. yes.  its going to take some kind of catastrophic domestic event to get people to turn off American idol and wake up.

  9. I don't know.

  10. what your saying is we should kill people before they kill us?

    I think there are better ways to solve this...We should just stop the wars and Join together to make everyone's life in the world a better place..

  11. Feck me, that's one h**l ova long question!

  12. Decode this lyrics ' Don't know much - about misery"

    Are we sure?

    Luke 9.25,55-56,60

    Where have we gone wrong?

    Luke 8.5-8, 10-17

    Wonder who kick us on the butts  without being aware of it?

    Until the mess crept out in time being expose after the mystery of us-911.

    Luke 6.39-40,41-45,46-49

    What do you think?

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