
Are we forgetting the RIGHTS CULTURE? Are we Americans still ready to fight for 'Freedom of speech'?

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Lately I see a trend where fellow citizens don't mind if they are deprived of their right to freedom of speech and expression. Either we are less educated today or are educated but not enlightened. We may have become too materialistic and as long as our Vallet is full of $$ we do not care for a higher living.




  1. It has been educated right out of the younger generation by our mass media and by our schools. Sure they teach it, but they are not really educating our young people to there rights. That goes with all our Constitutional rights. And yes, it's all driven by the mighty dollar.

  2. I think people attack each other too much. Democrats vs Republicans, g**s vs Straights, Blacks vs Whites, Atheists vs Christians. People are too afraid to say anything because other people have forgotten about Freedom Of Speech. It's always their way or no way. I go through that everyday. You get to the point where you keep your opinions to yourself in fear of someone trying to "convert" you.

  3. I Agree That It Seems As Long As "We" (As In Our Self) Are Not Steped On We Don't Care Less.

    We Don't Care About Others, It's Easy To Look Away I Guess, But We Shouldn't B/c One Day It Will Be Us That's Crossed.

    The USA Has Become About Serving Ones Self, Saddly Really, But Unless People Are Willing To Change That All Of Us Will Have Our Rights Taken Away Slowly.

    Like The 5th Amendment In New Orleans.

  4. Stand guard when in right.  Fight for the rights particularly the freedom of expression and speech so that the government will not suppress the demands of the people.

  5. I forget who said it.... something like...

    I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend your right to say it.

    This country has gotten to politically correct. Anything you say, will offend someone else, and they will complain, and then the PC police will pass a law forbidding such hate speech.

  6. There is some confusion about freedoms and rights being confused with just being entitled. Also, some folks have a hard time discerning where their rights end and another person's start (such as prayer in schools).

  7. 90% of Americans civilians will NOT fight for anything they beleive in. In my opinion these people should walk on all fours instead of 2 feet.

  8. I believe each generation has its apathetic fools and wimps... and its heroes.

    I think it has little to do with materialism and political correctness... it has to do with upbringing.

    There are noble poverty stricken people, and spineless blue bloods.

    I feel it takes a sense of integrity and duty to stand up for what is right and to recognize a belief worth fighting for.

    I think many people take our hard won rights for granted. If you were not instilled with conviction and honor, you will remain pathetically apathetic.

  9. It has always been a small minority that have had the stones to stand up and be counted, the rest are merely sheep.  It is sad and not all fluffy and warm but it is the truth.

  10. I agree with this statement .  However, we are going to have to speak up more or lose it and quit being materialistic.

    The people in the USA that is.

  11. We are suffering from too much confidence because we are so powerful and so wealthy.  If people actually felt threatened, they would fight.

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