
Are we getting any closer to being able to purchase vehicles that run on alternative fuels, like ethanol?

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Affordability desired. Need to know where you can purchase alternative fuels on the East Coast.




  1. why would ethanol be pushed as a source for fuel? it drives the price of corn up, and reduces the amount available for food usage.

    and i do not know so could someone tell me if they know the answer but is ethanol a mix of gas and corn ( or other compatible ingredient) or is it straight corn or sugar cane,etc?

  2. Did you know  that you can convert any diesel vehicle sold or already in use to run on bio-diesel! The conversion consists of removing any rubber fuel lines and changing to plastic! That is it!! Done!

    Also, you can produce bio-diesel in your garage for about .50 cents a gallon, get about 10-extra miles per gallon more than diesel, no smoke, no pollutants and it actually smells like french fries going down the road!!! Plus, they say the engine will last longer on bio-diesel!!!!

    Check it out man, you can do it know!!!

  3. GM has had flex fuel vehicles for several years.  All cars will run on a 10% ethanol blend, and flex fuel vehicles will run on 85% ethanol.  All diesel will run on bio-diesel up to 100%, but because of a bacteria that grows in bio diesel a 2-5% blend will be the most common.  I can't answer the question about when the East coast will have the fuel available.  

    For Darrel,  ethanol is 100% alcohol made from corn, grass, sugar beets, and other sources.  You also don't have to worry about not having enough corn to feed human or livestock because of ethanol.

  4. Ethanol.  This is what is is:*g/ethanol.s...

    This is why it's good:

    Here are the vehicles that can use it:

    Here's where to buy it:

    Anything else I can help you with?

  5. Jeff, I personally am not in favor of the move to E85 because it does NOT save any energy at all, but because the US  and BP and GM are forging ahead you may want to purchase a flex-fuel vehicle...they are at you local Chevy/GM dealer right now.

  6. yes I can't remember where I heard this from but I believe that some cars will be available by 2010 and will be able to us Ethanol

  7. yea i believe is honda on  working on such a car and it should be released within years

  8. The vehicles are already for sale, but so far I haven't seen any alternate fuels other than low sulfur diesel.

  9. Actually there are already tons of cars on the road that run on ethanol.  In fact, there have been since at least 2001.  I know GM has made a large number of them and Ford and Chrysler have made some too.  As far as I know, the Japanese and other foreign carmakers haven't made E85 capable vehicles that are for sale yet in the US.

    For a list of E85 stations in your area, answers to many of your ethanol questions, and a list of some of the different cars that run on E85 check out this website.  They have a map where you can click on your state and it will list the E85 stations by city.

    My 2001 Chevy S-10 will run on E-85, but for that model only the 4 cylinder engines will run on E-85.  The 6 cylinders won't.  I've been running my car on E85 for about the past year.  Stations just became available here around Indianapolis around that time.

    Oh yeah, forgot to mention.  If you buy a GM car, any car that they refer to as a Flex Fuel vehicle is one that will run on E85.

    Below is a few websites for GM that lists their E85 capable vehicles.  They have two groupings.  One for their new 2007 vehicles and another for used vehicles 2000-2006.  For the used ones make sure you check the VIN number at the website to make sure that that vehicle in particular will run on E85.  For instance, they list the 2001 Chevy S-10, but like I mentioned only the 4 cylinders of that model will run on E85.

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