
Are we getting ready to fighter a final battle to take control of the Heartland???

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Are we getting ready to fighter a final battle to take control of the Heartland?

How important are the words of Brzezinski and Halford Mackinder in the Geopolitical and Geo-Strategic outlook for the future of the United States, as the sole and, indeed, the first truly global power?

And what will be the final cost in achieving this objective?

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  1. The USA are a law unto their own arrogantly bullying their way into all of our business.

    What my concern is they have penetrated our very own government in the UK and we cannot even demonstrate against it without being arrested or told to move on without threats.

    They run many a pharmacy company that supplies NHS and this is the real concern for me from a bad experience from allergy to medication given (charged for) to me drugs and I took them from vulnerability. Many of these antibiotics are in our water supply and still they are being handed out profusely.

    I no longer trust a doctor or anything our government have to offer and we were all wrong to ever listen to them.

    The US or whoever runs it not only want to poison by supply and bomb by supply to make enormous amounts of money and resources of which many in the world do not have. They have had them on the cheap too for too long. And now everyone wants them to look at the state of their own but alas they care so little I can see them falling.

    I hope they do come unstuck in Iran I don't care if Iran sell their oil in dollars someone has to stand up for themselves around here. Iran should of course look after their people but what government does this? The sole purpose of government is to line their own pockets people are disposable as are armies in any region across the world.

    And lets face it Iran haven't even threatened anyone.

    With respect to people in Uzbekistan we should all be concerned with oppression its everywhere we turn.

    The masses need shaking to wake them into recycling and being more resourceful and stop consuming unessescarily in some ways a little recession will bring them down to earth a bit. And the poor will find solutions before the rich because they don't have a choice. The bigger they are the harder they will fall and the sooner the better really.

  2. No answers Sly... ?

    Has no one on the military board  here heard of the former national security advisor / de facto strategist... ?

    Are they all watching Rambo... ?

    Let me pitch in then during my little sojourn to the Ukraine.  In one word, YES, they explain almost everything and certainly all the stuff that the mainstream media totally ignore - they expect us to focus on the detail, not on the patterns of a big picture.  (Yawn)

    I doubt if many of the military people on these boards have even heard of Brezhinski never mind read him (or even a precis).  Many of them seem to be Fox 'news' types.

    Yes, sadly we are talking global superpower (in decline) imperial politics - which is like taking a jar of nitro glycerine for a jaunt in a rally car... but you don't get military people reading politics as a whole.  Most seem to believe political and military strategy are somehow completely divorced, which is very naive isn't it.

    Anyway, this kind of self serving Romanesque imperial decline political theory is all well and good - but isn't it pretty much EXACTLY the thing that brought about economic ruin to the USSR... ?  

    Where DO you go if your country, sorry Superpower, is bankrupt and suddenly allocated a 3rd world credit status?

    Hmmm.... but have the Russians 'won' already?!  ; )

  3. dear brother Sly Fox beloved [King of Fools]:

    i see that you have no responses yet so i will share this prayer with you that another brother sent to me.


    O GREAT SPIRIT whose voice I hear in the winds, and whose breath gives life to all the world, hear me.

    I come before you, one of your many children

    - I am small and weak.  I need your strength and wisdom.

    Let me walk in beauty, and make my eyes ever behold the red and purple sunset.  Make my hands respect the things you have made, my ears sharp to hear your voice.

    Make me wise, so that I may know the things you have taught my people, the lesson you have hidden in every leaf and rock.

    I seek strength not to be superior to my brothers; but to be able to fight my greatest enemy – myself.

    Make me ever ready to come to you with clean hands and straight eyes, so when life fades as a fading sunset, my spirit may come to you without shame.

    From Chief Yellow Lark

    Beloved Prophet Mohammad(saw) said that the greater Jihad is against our ownselves.  [Hadith]

    so in contemplation of your question... the real battle to take control of our 'Heartland' is one that is internal... and not an external Jihad at all.

    respectfully and faithfully[Semper Fi],



    God Bless

    edit: hello to our brother [The Violator]! hoo posted above me... looks like we answered pretty much at the same time.  hope this doesn't get deleted for chatting because that is what we are always doing when we answer and ask questions.  is it not so?  so hello.  :)

  4. There is an attempt for such. Only, the EU is/or does not like the idea of US running the show. Mainly Germany and France with a few others.

    The other major player is Russia, who by the way does not agree on US running the show.

    Georgian/Russian little spat makes/proves NATO is outmoded. - There is some proof that US is just a-tad to big for its britches and so it seems there is an attempt to 'ground' the US population.

    So, no the Heartland is far from being taken control over. As for word, they are just that - speculation that point to the obvious - World dominance.

    As you read this, 'Our' Industrial Society is depleting oil at such a rate that soon over half of it will be gone.  What will be left will be scarce - harder to discover and pump. Prices will skyrocket until economies - even whole societies - collapse.  

    War over the remaining pockets of oil has already begun - in Iraq.

    Pentagon planners say in the future it will be joined by wars over rapidly diminishing sources of clean water and over land that will still be able to grow crops in the wake of the devastating impacts of industrial agriculture and skyrocketing populations - as the capacity of Earth is exceeded and mass starvation becomes the norm.

    These wars will be fought with weapons of mass destruction and will require the imposition of draconian systems of social control. In the US, such forces are in motion, pushing for the concentration of power in the hands of the US president, pushing for theocracy

    The Hopi Elders (American Indian) say we live in a condition called Koyannisqatsi – “Life out of Balance, a way of life that calls for another way of living.”

    * La vida es este misterio hermoso que no descifran ni la psicología ni la retórica.

    Una vez que empiecen a morir, seguirán otros hasta que sea mi turno. Tengo en mi mente la idea que la muerte es algo que no podemos evadir. Pero siento que ese punto de vista no esta completo.

    * A veces sorprende cuando menos la esperamos. *

    * You can gamble with death, you can cheat death - eventually Death will find you.

  5. thank you for introducing me to "the broad chessboard". so are you asking what is the next move?

    from the looks of it the whole thing was staged( from 9/11 to all it's aftermath) in order to restart a cold war. USA and allies are in a better position strategically than during the " first cold war". however that wouldn't help them much since we are still in the age of nuclear weapons.where would this the new arms race take us? most likely to the WWIII and as Einstein predicted the 4TH one would be fought with rocks and sticks, something in that regards! there will be no winners here that is for sure!  peace

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