
Are we giving up our right of free speech in exhcange for political correctness?

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Do you think that trying to be politically correct actually crosses the line of free speech? Why or why not?




  1. You maybe, not me.

  2. Actually, to be truthful, I don't think we are giving up anything, but the federal, state and local government is just taking away our rights, no matter if we like it or not, and fast.

  3. NO, because free speech and insulting someones race, religion, and sexual orientation are completely different.  It's not really about what is said - it's how the person says it, the motive behind it.

  4. We constantly do this everyday in America political correctness has and always will be the downfall of our society. We as a people are not realy aloud to express ourselves because we will be seriously judged by our opinion whether the facts are true or not if we say certain things we are frowned upon. I love to watch Bill Cosby speak lately he is never afraid to tell the truth and then people trash him and they trashed the poor man when he made one the greatest shows ever on television. no matter how that poor man views or tries to convey his race to people he is always wrong.

  5. No, this is Yahoo Answers and there has never been free speech on this board.  Yahoo is a liberal company you know.

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