
Are we going to 825 on the S&P 500 again?

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Are we going to 825 on the S&P 500 again?




  1. The way the index is going, it is certainly very possible.

    Unlike other bad times, this one just seems to have no ending, both in the immediate or near future.

    I have been through 3 big market drops, and tough times, like in 73-74,  87, and the 2001-2002 dot com burst.  But this time, I think the phrase  " this time it's different",  takes on new meaning.

    I actually fear the worst, that we will have a major bank or banks fail, and lead to a financial crises.  Even money deposited in a Money Market fund or CD may be worthless if inflation keeps going up.

    I am stocking up ( within reason, of course ) on food.  Also keep about 3 months spending money in cash, in a safe place at home.  You never know if your bank closes its doors one Friday afternoon, and you have no cash on hand.

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