
Are we going to be forced to turn Earth into a spaceship in the future?

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Because the sun will run out of energy, and the imminent dangers, Earth being a space ship seems like the only root to take.




  1. huh? sun will cease to generate energy in 4.5 million yrs. what will you use as propulsion for this spaceship? you will be carrying extra unneeded mass. that sounds more like an idea for another dumb sci-fi movie.

  2. it would be much much easier to build a ship or a fleet than to move a planet and heat the whole planet enough to keep all humans alive

  3. There was this novel I read before by Robert J. Sawyer called Starplex, good book, and going to give you a spoiler here, where wormholes can move suns.  So by the time the Sun runs out of fuel, we may find a way to create a wormhole big enough for Earth to be transported to another solar system that can sustain its current orbital speed and energy needs.  Not too much, not too small.

  4. the earth wont run out of energy till about another 2 billion years hun.

  5. LOL at the person who said the sun will be turning into a red giant in 500 MILLION YEARS!!!! Hahaha thats a good one.  In reality when the sun uses up its energy in 4 billion to 4.5 billion years, it will start to expand and form a red giant which will destroy the inner planets, and later the outer planets.  It will stay a red giant for some millions of years until that too blows up.  I honestly doubt that humans can survive for 4 billion more years, we've nearly killed ourselves in 2000 years...

  6. no the earth will not become a spce ship but we will make a spceship big enough to fit people and send them to io (the moon with life expected on it)

  7. I sometimes think Earth already is a space ship and all its running parts are needing to be replaced. That is why so many things are going wrong, kinda like a car.

  8. We can't because there is not a big enough space ship and i dont think we will be able to break its orbit. The sun will turn into a red giant .5 billion years from now and maybe engulf earth. We will have to move to other inhabitable planets or moons. Mars(may have water), Titan, or Europa(which is ice and maybe melted into water when the sun gets bigger). The thing is we should live on Europa because it could be a water world. Maybe we can inhabit Mars Titan and Europa? We could stumble on to new planets or maybe even get advanced enough to live on gas planets.

  9. no. because by the time we had the technology to turn the earth into a giant spaceship, people will have to abandon earth because of extreme polution.

    The better way will be to go to another inhabitable planet and live there happily ever after.

  10. The earth is already one of the best space ships there is. Most thing are on an automatic recycle . There is the water cycle,the plants recycle CO2 and recycle our fossil fuels.. Yes we have no control of the direction and have no idea where the destination is...

  11. how the heck are u gonna turn Earth into a spaceship in the first place?i think at most we'll travel to Mars to live or something along those lines...

  12. Dude is correct: all the people on Earth could be packed into a cube less than 1 kilometre on its side: it would be a whole lot easier to put them into suspended animation, (not too far away, at present) and move them, en masse. The sun will begin transforming into a red giant, beginning 500 million years from now, boiling the oceans of Earth, if not engulfing it completely. Mars is one destination, or Titan, or build many rotating platforms, such as shown in "2001, A space odyssey", written by Arthur C Clarke, and directed by Stanley Kubrick.

  13. By the time the sun runs out of energy, Humanity will be long gone, either by evolving into something else, or by extinction, or by emigration.

  14. Don't worry.....

    We'll have killed each other off long before then....

  15. no don't be silly gawd

  16. Why do you think we have NASA? Of course.

  17. I'm not sure it will ever be possible to break earth from its current orbit and "take it elsewhere" so to speak. I just don't think that is feasable.

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