
Are we going to die in 2012? How?

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I've done research and it all sounds crazy but absolutly possible and there will be nothing we can do about it.




  1. 2012 is the next year when the earth tilts its axis. It does this every 26000 years or so. The last time it tilted was the last great ice age. So, you are going to die from starvation. What is going to happen is the earth is going to tilt and the average temperature on the earth will drop 25 degrees. This will cause a disruption in the enviroment that will result in faminine. You will starve!

  2. The first I heard about this was on the series finale of the X-Files.  That's when the aliens come back for real-real.

    No, I don't see why this prediction would be any more valid than any of the other end-of-the-world prophecies that have been made.

    If I'm wrong and we all die, you have the right to come back and pimp-slap me.

    Go ahead!  Try!

  3. Based upon what the Mayans believed centuries ago.. their calender only goes until the year 2012.

    NOBODY _-KNOWS-_ their fate or HOW it will come about!

    the Lord says he will come "Like a thief in the night.(paraphrased. of course. so, BE ready!) "

  4. Hey there.  I believe you have heard about the Mayan calendar and it's prediction that earth will enter a "new phase" on december 21 2012.  What is innteresting is that every 11 years, solar energy is at a maximum level, due to some magnetic thing that involves Jupiter. This occurs on the 21 of '12, when we align with the galactic center.  However, don't worry.  These prophecies are base on astronomy, but also very deeply rooted in mythology and legend.  The Bible tells us not to concern ourself with astrology, for it is decieving.  I assure you, if anything happens on 2012, it will NOT be the annihilation of the earth.  Hunt me down if I'm wrong(i don't guess you and i will be here though, lol.).  I too was worried about this, but I know now that it is nothing more than interesting and astrological fantasy.  I hope this helps.

    * Also: in the book of Revelation, we are told of a body colliding in the ocean, and it's called wormwood.  This is the only sign of a heavenly body in the Bible's predicted future, however, you may want to read the sixth seal John describes in Revelation.  It speaks of cosmic disturbances.  Neither of the two events cause the death of the human race however.

  5. Serious research done in a dry clinical setting of course.

    Well I better get going if I am going to die in 4 years.

    Thanks for the heads up.

  6. World ending? No, or at least if you mean humans becoming extinct the chances of that happening are about 4%. The chances that the cycle of the pole shifts occurring in 2012 and heavy nasty weather occurring i put at 95% which is extremely high. I know you probably will not give me the best answer as you are looking for reassurance that this will not happen, but from my research this will. Remember Y2K was not supposed to be the end of the world. Companies and governments spent billions of dollars fixing the problem and they did. 6/6/2006 makes ABSOULTLY no logical sense the world would end, especially because there is no such thing as the devil.

    The weather patterns I have noticed is the weather continues to get worse and we can only track this and see what happens. If we notice more tornadoes and earthquakes and many other disasters at higher frequencies and higher intensity then this is a true phenomenon. If the stock market is going to crash like webbot predicts which is for the fall of 2008, then another reason to believe it will. Keep your eye on the Dow Jones, when you see it go below 10,000 then the chances of 2012 go up. I'm sure you have heard about the history channel doomsday (Google search this if it is new to you) and if this is not real, the governments would have made sure this would not be put on the air or at least confirm this is not real. They have done neither.

    My advice, is live the next few years like it is your last day of your life and not worry about it, or plan for this event if you wish to survive it. Make sure you do not live near a coast line, and if you do then just have fun with what time you got if you are not planning on moving.

    As far as Nibiru approaching.  If Nibiru is not real, then the effects of this will leave a lot more survivors.  If it is real then it could wipe us all out but that would move the 4% i commented up top to maybe 10%.  The government will not tell us, so we can wait a few years and see if we can notice it in the sky.  By then we will notice if the world is similar to the many of years before or is just another day and everything is fine.  We will all know for sure by the end of 2011 if this is real or not.

  7. NO WAY!!! wheres your research?????

  8. well I heard the earths rotation is going to go the opposite way, then there's that asteroid. I don't know but we were 'supposed to die' a lot in the last 15 years.

  9. If you are talking about the reversal of the Sun's magnetic poles killing us all I wouldn't worry, the Sun reverses magnetic poles every 10-12 yrs I believe. Also the reversal of Earths magnetic poles killing us all is also silly, the Earths magnetic poles change all the time which is why we have a 'magnetic' North and a 'true' North pole. The Earths magnetic pole is caused by Earth's liquid iron core, the liquid rotates with the Earth so it would only make sense the pole also moves around.

    also the Earth doesn't just change its tilt. It is locked in its axial tilt due to the gravitational pull of the if the Sun blows up then mayb, but the Sun isn't going anywhere in the forseeable future


  11. Everyone thought the would was going to end in 2000 it never happend. So how do you know this might be just made up. You never know when the world is going to end. Just be prepared when it does. It could be anytime any where or any place. Any year it can happen so you don't know I don't know these prediction people don't know they just want to scare everyone.

  12. You might... I might... we all might.

    ... I doubt it, though.

  13. Is this the Mayan calender prediction?

  14. Only if you're Mayan. I will go on. They will die. Goodbye Mayans.

  15. Dec 21, 2012 astrologers say that the sun will be aligned with the center of the milky way and the earth will complete it's wobble which is a cycle that takes 26,000 years to complete both events coincide on Dec 21, 2012.   The following information is provided hit the link.

  16. Some scientists think that the world will end on 2012 around Christmas time. I wouldn't believe this because many people said that the world would end on 6/6/06, but,of course, they were wrong. The way we will die on 2012 is:

    Yellowstone National Park's hot springs have "super volcanoes" under them. If scientists are correct, they will erupt, and we will all die. Those on the other side of the world and such, will suffer the ash and such in the atmosphere.

    I don't believe this will happen though. This was merely for education.

  17. There's a strong possibility that the only people who will die by 2012 are the ones that keep asking this

  18. nobody knows but God (: Ur just waisting ur time cause nobody knows.

  19. i bet you saw the myan calendar.

  20. Venus is square Neptune, the moon is square Saturn, Mercury is opposing Mars, which brings storms and strong winds, the moon is square Uranus, which brings lots of water, the Sun is conjunct Jupiter, possible large earthquakes, and the moon is trine Neptune


  21. It's a made up date.

  22. In addition to the Mayan calendar, there is also the Pope Prophecy of St Malachy that ends after this pope.  Scary though, but yes, the world may end or change drastically around 2012.  No one knows for sure if the world will end.  The point is to make life as good as you can for everyone and do your best to not leave a mark on the planet while you are here.

  23. Well ...the probability of that happening is 50/50 for everybody. Of course not everybody will die at the same time.

    Death is inevitable, sooner or later it will catch us anytime, anywhere. It could be tomorrow, in 2020, next year, whenever your train come an get you. So stop worrying about this and live a happy, prosperous life.

  24. the wrath of the Mayans!!!!!!! mwahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!

    eh...i dunno... this world has to end sometime...though people thought we were going to die on 6/6/6 and in 2007. even when it turned 2000 everyone thought we were going to die

    (the Mayans predicted december 12, 2012)

  25. No one really knows. The Earth will do what it has to do when it chooses to.

  26. No, we're not going to die in 2012. I'm guessing you're one of those people who believes the world will suddenly end?

  27. you can spend the rest of your life worrying about when we're all going to die and if there is a predestined date for humans to become extinct or you can relax and enjoy your life- carefree. pourquoi pas?

    if it's true, there is nothing you can do about it. so live the rest of your days in harmony- smoke some ganje, listen to some music and spend time with your loved ones!


  28. doubt it....the worst that wud happen is the polar ice caps wud melt flooding a lot of land and reversing the flow of heat in the ocean causeing us to have an instant ice age that wud heal the polution and methane in the wud also restore the ozone layer to what it shud b - i have studied up on it and the end of the world is not likely.....

  29. Are you ready is the question.

    Like a line from one of my favorite movies Braveheart

    " Dead comes to us all"

  30. thats what the mayans believe, but we were supoose to die in 2000 aswell so..... who knows?

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