
Are we going to enter another World War??

by Guest10695  |  earlier

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On one side: Pakistan, Russia, China, Iran, the evil

On the other side: John McCain, the defeater of evil




  1. With out any real Statesman on our side but Bevis & Butthead - d**k & W, it's very possible.

  2. So long mom I'm off to drop the bomb so don't wait up for me. And while you swelter down there in your shelter you can see me on your TV. While were attacking frontally watch Brinkley and Huntley describing contrapuntally the cities we have lost. No need for you to miss a minute of the agonizing Holocaust. Tom Lear from a song written in the sixties. Getting back to your question. I sure hope so. Jeez Louise I'm sure getting tired of all the stale news they keep feeding us.

  3. only if the Zionists have their way.  

  4. Unless the United Nations does the best to send out peacekeepers in troubled spots all over the world, World War III could possibly happen if another war gets worse and more than one nation is involved in it.

    If this evil warring side is involved in the war, what would happen:

    1.) Pakistan has a huge nuclear arsenal that could possibly target neighboring India. Since both countries gained independence in 1947, there has been a few wars between the two, and the next one could go nuclear. An Al-Qaeda or other terrorist-sponsored assassination of a Pakistani leader could also bring the country into chaos and civil war that could possibly extend beyond its territories.

    2.) With billions of oil money pouring into the government, Russia could possibly invade its neighboring countries as a way to regain the glory it lost with the 1991 Soviet Union collapse. They could possibly form a new superpower Russian empire that could rival the United States. The current war in Georgia (the former Soviet republic) against the Ossetian separatists is one example.  

    3.) If Taiwan declares full independence from its aggressive mainland neighbor, China, then China could invade Taiwan and countries such as Japan and the US could aid their Taiwanese allies. Such similar separatist actions could also happen in Tibet as well. Either of these factors could also lead to possible civil war.

    4.) If Iran does not disarm their nuclear program, then Israel could launch air attacks on Iranian nuclear sites. In response, Iran could possibly aid their Shiite allies in Iraq, attack US forces in the Middle East, and invade Israel, which president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad plans to "wipe off the map".

    Meanwhile, John McCain, if elected into office by next November, could respond to either one or all four of the attacks through US and US-allied military action.  


    In fact, Pakistan has been allies with us (dont know whats going to happen with the current President resigining), and so has China. Russia has been shaky since the Cold War, but has been a bit closer to the friendly side. Sure the conflict in Georgia may strain relations with Russia, but definitely not start another World War.

  6. We've been in World War III since 1979. Keep up with the class Sunshine.

  7. well.. It could Not be a "World War" with out us would it ?

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