
Are we going to evolve into anything in the future?

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  1. We are evolving now.

    I’m sure you know people who are different in some way, even if a very small way. Perhaps a longer nose, a thicker fingernail or toes that don’t align very well.

    Actually, everyone has many differences but most go unnoticed. These are changes that may or may not benefit survival but have not been incorporated into the general population, or have not been weeded out yet as a detriment. It takes a long, long time for a genetic mutation to become generally spread.

    Most mutations have occurred by the time an egg is fertilized and the vast majority of these changes do not survive any longer than that. Large changes are almost always fatal immediately and only the most delicate mutations can survive until a person’s birth.

    If you could travel fifteen thousand years into the future, perhaps you would be able to see a slight noticeable change in people’s appearance.

    Evolution is very slow.

  2. We are evolving as you speak. 100 years ago we were a much shorter, more petite people. We also had a much diminished life expectancy. If you're hoping we'll evolve to the point we're all flying around with our sparkly shiny wings and hopping around with our big kangeroo feet, it's not going to happen for many thousands of more years. Human beings are extremely complex and have many biological systems that act and react to internal and external forces. The human body we're in today has evolved to this point in order to survive the environment we know today.

    If global warming is a reality, then you'll see human adaptations that will allow us to survive the heat and the global damage that will cause.

  3. If you'll believe mad scientists like in the movies, we'll be cloned to whatever we wanna transform unto. But dont you worry, it will never happen. Nature will protect us and will  take its own course.

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