
Are we going to get any major new inventions soon? Which is the last GREAT one?

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Are we going to get any major new inventions soon? Which is the last GREAT one?




  1. Probably the Wheel. Also the use of the atomic bomb would have been stupid. The Russian would have fired at us and we would just have killed a couple million people

  2. I wish that the U.S had used the atomic bomb against the Soviet Union,before any other country had it.

    Liberals will disagree,naturally.

    Perhaps it will be the only way to acheive a desirable outcome in Afghanistan.

  3. We just got Richard Branson's outer space tourism behemoth.

  4. Well they just recently invented a touch screen computer =]

  5. probably the washing mashine. it went all downhill from there!!!

  6. ~Yes, we are.  I can't tell you what it will be because I'm in the process of cornering the market on the stock but believe you me, it will be BIG.  REALLY REALLY BIG.  HUUUUUUGE even.

    The last truly GREAT one was Gutenberg's printing press with movable type.  Everything we have today can be traced directly to Johan.  

    I won't even comment on the stupidity of the A-bomb comments.  Even our own government concluded, after the fact, that Fat Man and Little Boy were inhuman, unnecessary and did nothing to expedite the end of the war or to save lives (either allied or Japanese), essentially confirming that Ike, Nimitz, MacArthur and others who should have known (and did know and did speakk out before the bombs fell)  were right in advising against dropping them in '45.  At least Ike was in a position where he could enforce his opinions when the Pentagon wanted to drop more in Korea during and after the Korean war.  And anyone that wanted to drop them on the Commie Red Scourge in or before '45 simply has no knowledge whatsoever off WWII and the very basic fact of history that the only force on the planet that could defeat the Third Reich (as Churchill told FDR in '41) was the Soviet Union.  The Evil Empire single-handedly saved the world from Nazism.  Afghanistan and Iraq?  Duh.  The folks we are fighting there are the same people we befriended, armed, trained and supported (at the cost of billions of dollars that could and should have been spent on health care, education and worldwide human rights programs) when they were doing out bidding, from Saddam, who we put on our hit squad in '63 and in power later on as his reward, to our flunkies Osama bin Laden and the Taliban, to whom we gave billions in arms and weaponry for more than a decade.  Our buddy the Shah lost his grip when we cut back the support on for CIA created, trained, organized and assisted SAVAT, but that was part of the deal when we instigated the fundamentalist Islamic revolts in the Middle East that caused the Kabul government to request Soviet intervention to put down the Afghan rebellion.  

    I would say that the internet was the last great invention, but given the greatest research tool with which mankind has ever been blessed, people are still too stupid to read declassified government (and particularly CIA) documents to see that the World Trade Center was an overdue and well-deserved reaction to the atrocities the US has perpetrated on the innocent civilians of the Middle East.  The ignorance of some of the answers to this question simply underscores the point.  So it goes.

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